We Come Out At Night

Chapter 23

Matt’s Pov continued

I looked towards Gates and the two of us ran out of the auditorium heading in the direction of the loud bang. We heard another shot and followed the sound out to the front of the casino.

Seconds later we were joined by The Rev, Vengeance and Christ. Marco was lying on the ground holding his knee as it was bleeding profusely. Isabella was sitting up and holding her head. She was bleeding as well, but she hadn’t been shot. Marco’s gun was on the ground, but it wasn’t the one that fired the shots.

There were two other people there. Sammy stood leaning against a pillar, she looked pretty banged up, but the person that was holding the gun that shot Marco was none other than Ruby, the girl I had fired not to long ago for being a two timer.

Marco was yelling loudly as the pain in his knee must have been too much for him to handle. That was nothing compared to the amount of pain he inflicted on several of us here. Zacky rushed passed me over to where Sammy was leaning to make sure she was ok.

“He’s moving!” Ruby yelled and aimed the gun at Marco again. Gates stepped over Marco and over to where she stood.

“Give me the gun, Ruby.”

She never took her eyes off Marco. “I shot him.” her voice was just above a whisper. “I shot him.” she said again turning her head to Gates as her hands started to shake.

“Yes,” he nodded “Now, give me the gun.” He put his hand over hers and took the gun from her. “I shot him.” She said just before she fainted.

“Jesus Christ,” he muttered catching her in his arms.

I leaned down to where Isabella was sitting and moved her hand away from her head so I could survey the bleeding. It wasn’t deep enough to need stitches, but she would have a nasty headache in the morning.

I turned my head and glanced at The Rev. “Take her inside and get her head cleaned up.” The Rev nodded and walked over to help Izzy up. I stood up and directed my gaze at Zacky. “Bring her inside, see if she needs medical attention. Bring her to me when you’re done.”

He nodded and lifted Sammy up and brought her inside. That’s when I looked at Gates who had just revived Ruby. “Put that one in my office now.” I ordered and he dragged her inside by her arm.

That left only Christ and unfortunately he had the worst job. I picked up Marco’s gun and kicked him as hard as I could in the stomach before walking over to Christ.
“Clean up the mess.” I told him as I glanced back at Marco.

I walked through the casino and headed straight to my office. When I walked inside I sat behind my desk to face Ruby who was sitting in a chair while Gates stood behind her.

It took me quite a few minutes before I could say anything to her.

“Where did you get the gun?”

“S-Sammy gave it to me. S-sh-she said Vengeance gave it to her.” I nodded. That much was the truth. We gave Sammy the gun when we hired her to be our inside girl as a just in case measure. “I shot him,” she whispered.

“How did you know he was here?”

She sniffled back tears before answering “Sammy…she was limping…she she asked me to help her…to drive her here.” she couldn’t take her eyes off the gun that was sitting on the top of my desk. “I shot Marco…h-he’s gonna kill me.”

“Get her a drink,” I told Gates and he walked over to the liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of vodka. After pouring her a glass he walked back over and handed it to her. She took it with shakey hands and sipped from it.

“What happened when you got here, Ruby?”

“M-m-marco..” she started to say and Gates leaned forward and lifted her glass to her lips again forcing her to take a drink. When she had done so, she continued. “He was coming out of the casino and he was dragging Izzy with him. We got out of the car, but Sammy was having trouble walking.” She paused and finished off the vodka and handed the empty glass to Gates who refilled it and handed it right back to her.

“Then what happened?”

“I helped her out of the car and she gave me the gun. I told Marco to freeze, you know because that’s what they say to the bad guys in the movies.” Gates had to turn his head away so she couldn’t see him biting his bottom lip to hide a laugh.

“And?” I asked as she took a sip from her glass.

“And then he put his gun up to Izzy’s head.” Her eyes moved back to the gun that sat on my desk. “I never shot a gun before, so I just closed my eyes and pulled the trigger, but I missed.”

“You missed?” That must have been the first gunshot we heard.

She nodded and never took her eyes off the gun. “That’s when he shoved Izzy down on the ground and she smacked her head on the curb.”

“What happened next?”

“Marco lifted his gun and Izzy screamed for me to shoot him. So, I tried it with my eyes open this time and I didn’t miss. He fell to the ground. You got there right after.”

I couldn’t help but to wonder if the casino was even worth this much drama. When I heard a knock at the door, I turned my attention to Gates.

“Put her up in one of the rooms for the night.” he nodded and grabbed Ruby by the arm and dragged her out of my office. Zacky walked in with Sammy after Gates walked out. I looked at him and waited for an update on her condition.

“Just a sprained ankle and some bruises, she’ll be fine.” I nodded and looked at Sammy and then back to Zacky. “Give us a minute.”

When he walked out I grabbed Sammy’s arm and pulled her onto my lap. “Hi sweetheart.” I smiled lightly.


“You did good.” If it hadn’t been for her, we wouldn’t know half of what we know about Marco.

“Do you want to continue working for me?”

She thought for a minute before answering. “Do I have to go back to The Maker’s Marc?”



“Good.” I smiled and opened the top drawer to my desk and pulled out my checkbook. After writing the check I handed it to her and she looked down at it.

“It’s more than we talked about. A lot more.”

“I know. You earned every penny.”

“Thank you. Can I go back to Zacky now?”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

When she limped out of my office, my thoughts went to one more person, the one whom I had yet to address in this situation. Isabella.

After letting out a sigh, I stood from my desk and walked out of the office straight for the elevator. I had no idea what I was going to say to her or how this was going to play out. I only knew that it had to be addressed tonight.

When I reached her room I didn’t bother to knock, I opened the door and went inside. She was sitting on the bed with Jimmy while he applied an ointment to her head.

He didn’t need to be told, Jimmy saw me walk in and got up and left.

I stood there and stared at her not knowing where to begin and she just sat there looking back at me. One of us was going to have to be the one to go first and I guess it was going to be me.

“Why Isabella? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t owe you an explanation.” Oh so this was how it was going to be. I cracked my knuckles and pulled a chair over to the bed.

“You have some nerve.” I said as I took a seat “You steal my fucking car, and in return for you stealing my car, I go and save you from being used as a god damn whore at The Maker’s Marc and you don’t owe me an explanation?”

She glared at me with a mix of anger and pain in her eyes. “I think the scar on my face is payment enough for stealing your car or did you forget that part?” she moved her hair out of her face and pointed to the scar. “It’s kind of hard to miss, Matt.”

“Fine, I’ll take the blame for the scar on your face.” It was my fault. I sent her back to Marco when she was completely innocent. “But I want to know who to blame for Kiera being here and me not knowing about it.”

“I won’t take the blame for that. I had nothing to do with it.”

“No, but you knew she was here. You knew what Marco did to the baby she was carrying and you could have told me.”

She shook her head and folded her arms. “Yes, and I know what Marco is capable of when crossed. Once again do I need to remind you of the scar on my face?”

That’s twice she threw it in my face. Once more and I’ll fucking snap. I bit my bottom lip before answering. “So, you didn’t tell me because you were afraid of what Marco would do to you?”

“NO You Fucking idiot, I was afraid of what Marco would do to you and what you would do to me. Lets not forget the last time I was here; you didn’t trust me then so why would you trust me now? How was I to know that you wouldn’t send me back there again so Marco could make the left side of my face match the right?”

I leaned forward in my chair and gripped my knees with my hands. “Shut up about the fucking scar, you’re lucky you still have your face. As for me sending you back there, I wouldn’t have done that.”

“Really? Do you trust me, Matt?” I didn’t know what to say, I wasn’t sure.

“I didn’t think so. I’m leaving in the morning and you aren’t going to stop me.” That felt like she just slapped me across the face. I stood up in the chair and walked towards the door.

“Fine, go and by the way, don’t ever call me Matt again. That is reserved for my friends.”

“Fine, how’s asshole sound?”

After balling my hands into fists, I walked out of her room and slammed the door. Good fucking riddance!
♠ ♠ ♠
..........and the unlikely hero is Ruby.