We Come Out At Night

Chapter 24

It was still early in the morning and I hadn’t got much sleep. I stayed up most of the night in the den of the Penthouse watching Izzy. It wasn’t too long ago that she; herself finally stopped crying and fell asleep, so I doubt she’ll be awake any time soon.

“So, you’re just going to let her walk out of here?” It was Gates who snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, I am.” I nodded my head and looked away from the monitor. “What is taking the red head so long?”

“No idea.” He shrugged and no sooner did he say it, she knocked on the door. Gates answered the door and she walked in with Vengeance behind her.

“You asked to see me?” She said nervously wringing the hem of her shirt in her hands.

“Yes, sit down.”

She walked over to the chair in front of the desk and sat down. “I already told you everything.”

“Shut up, I’m doing the talking here,” I snapped at her for no reason, but hell I had no reason to trust her either. She got very quiet and looked right at me.

“Let me make myself very clear, I’m not fond of you, but some of the customers here are. So, I’m going to offer you 3 nights to start. You can stay in the room you slept in last night. Take it or leave it” I don’t know why I offered her a job, but part of me learned my lesson with Izzy, I knew if I sent this girl out of here today, she would either wind up dead or disfigured at the hands of Marco.

“Well, I’m waiting for an answer.”

“Ok. I’ll take it.” she nodded.

“Fine. Let me also remind you of something. If I hear that you were disloyal to me ever again I will cut your fingers off one by one and shove them down your throat. You'd be wise not to ever set foot in another casino. Understand?”

…and we wait again…. “Are you going to answer me or should I speak in sign language?” I know I can be intimidating, but she has to be the dumbest girl I’ve ever met. Her eyes were looking past mine and she lifted her hand to point her finger at what she was looking at.

The three of us, Vengeance, Gates and myself turned to look at the monitor. Now, it was I who was nervous.

“You come with me.” I told Gates as I got up from my desk and headed for the door. Before leaving, I turned to Vengeance. “You, get her hooked on phonics or something”

I walked out the door and got to the elevator as fast as I could, when Gates stepped in behind me, I pushed the button for Izzy’s floor. My heart was practically beating out of my chest and I swear in this moment this had to be the slowest fucking elevator in the world.


When I opened my eyes, it seemed like I had only just fallen asleep. Actually, I had just fallen asleep. My mind was working on overdrive and it wouldn’t shut off no matter how hard I tried to make it. I kept going back to the confrontation with Matt and how we left things.

Of all the things I had asked for since I got here, it was to leave and now I can, but part of me wished he would have fought and asked me to stay, but he didn’t and it blew up in my face.

As I sat up in my bed my shirt slid off my shoulder, had that happened in public, everyone would have seen the “M” and everyone would have known who gave it to me. If I am going to leave here and make a new start, I’m not taking the “M” with me.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and reached for my purse on the end table. I cursed myself for having so much stuff and having to dig through all of it to find what I was looking for. Finally my hands touched it as it was sitting at the bottom of my purse.

I pulled out the pocketknife and my compact mirror and then got up and walked right into the bathroom. Standing with my back to the mirror I lifted my compact so I could see the reflection of the tattoo off the other mirror. In my other hand I lifted the pocketknife and reached back to the tattoo so I could cut it out of my shoulder.

My shirt still hid most of the tattoo so I turned around and set the compact and the knife down on the sink and took off my shirt. After moving the strap of my bra out of the way, I picked up the knife and compact and turned back around.

Once I had the tattoo in sight in the compact mirror I again moved the knife to the tattoo. This is probably really unsanitary, but I there was no way I was walking out of the casino with that “M” on my back.

“What in the fuck are you doing?” Gates yelled at me before I got the chance to make the first cut. Shadows grabbed my wrist and pulled the knife out of my hand.

“Give me that!” he said through gritted teeth.

I stood there and folded my arms. If I wasn’t pissed of before, I was pissed off now. “I’m getting rid of The Maker’s Marc; now give me my knife back.”

“By cutting it off? What is wrong with you?” Gates held his gaze on me and waited for an explanation.

“How else am I supposed to get it off?” I wasn’t going to stand there and argue I grabbed my shirt and walked out of the bathroom. When I got back to the bed, I put my shirt back on and grabbed my purse. Where the fuck are my shoes?

I had left them on the side of the bed before I went to sleep, but they weren’t there. After bending down, I looked under the bed, but they weren’t there. They weren’t in the closet either. The closet was empty as a matter of fact.

I looked up at the ceiling and screamed “You son of a fucking cock smoking whore, WHERE ARE MY SHOES!?!?”

“That’s all you, dude.” Gates laughed and left the room. I turned around to see Shadows standing there with a shit-eating grin on his face and his arms folded across his chest.

“Where…are…my…shoes?” I demanded.

“First off, my mother is not a cock smoking whore and second off, you didn’t think I was going to make it that easy did you?”

When he started to walk towards me, I moved out of his way and went back over to the bed to grab my purse. “FINE! I don’t need shoes!”

I stormed out of the room and went right to the elevator. He walked slowly behind me with a smile on his face the whole time. I stood there pushing the button for the elevator to come and I couldn’t be more impatient.

“You only have to push it once; keeping your finger on the button isn’t going to make it come any faster.”

“Shut up!” shut up? Was that all I could come up with?

He just laughed and when the elevator door finally opened, I stepped inside and of course the jackass followed behind me. My foot tapped the floor of the elevator incessantly as we rode down to the main floor. When it finally stopped, I took off out of the elevator and went right out the front door.

Shadows stood there leaning against one of the pillars in the casino watching as Izzy walked out the front door without her shoes.

“You just let her leave?” Gates walked over to where Shadows stood, but Shadows never took his gaze off the door.

“She’ll be back,” he grinned and folded his arms across his chest, but the only person that came back through the door was The Rev. He walked right over to Shadows in a hurry as if he had to tell him something.

“Why are you just standing there?” he asked in a huff.

“What should I be doing?” Shadows asked annoyed.

“You could try going after the person that just stole your car!”

Gates lost it. He held his hand over his stomach and laughed the hardest he ever laughed. He took her shoes, so she took his car……again.