We Come Out At Night

Chapter 25

Stupid fuck left the keys in the car AGAIN! You would think he learned his lesson after the last time, but oh no! Instead he saunters around like “huh huh huh no one’s gonna steal my car, im M. Shadows huh huh huh.” Not dragging your knuckles on the floor now, are ya gorilla boy?

I had no clue where I was going, I just peeled out of the parking lot like my life depended on it and nearly hit The Rev. Hate on me motherfucker? Now ya got a reason too!

I needed to get to a highway as fast as possible, driving like a lunatic on a public street in a stolen car, yeah not the smartest idea I ever had. When I came across an entrance to an on ramp, I took it.

As I drove, I lit a cigarette and opened the window to let the smoke out of the car. Not like I care if his car smelled like smoke, it was a force of habit. It was when I rolled the window down that I heard it. It was a loud rumbling sound, like a motor…no no there was only one type of motor that friggen loud and that was a Harley Davidson Motor. Or should I say motors?

I looked in the rearview mirror and sure enough there were two motorcycles behind me.

“Fuck my fucking life.” That smug bastard and his bulldog were right behind me.

Every time I looked back he smiled those pearly whites at me and I wanted to stab him in the eye with a pencil. It didn’t take long for the two of them to catch up to me either. Before I knew it Shadows was on my left and Gates was on the right.

So, I stepped on the gas and moved past them. It is a fucking Ferrari what good is having it if you cant drive it fast right? So as I sped past, I suddenly felt a complete sense of victory and I turned back to look at them and they were far behind, but catching up.

This could be fun! I turned back again and looked at the two of them, they were so close I could make out the facial expression on Shadows. He wasn’t smiling; in fact he looked like he was screaming my name. When I turned back around in my seat…everything went black…


“IZZY!!” I screamed her name, but she wouldn’t turn around, she just kept looking at me. There was nothing I could do, but watch her veer off to the right and hit a tree head on.

We pulled up to her as fast as we could and while I ran to the car, Gates called 911.
I managed to get the door open and I called her name, but she didn’t answer. After ripping off her seatbelt I pulled her out of the car and laid her down on the ground.

“Where the fuck is the ambulance?”

“They’re on the way.” Gates assured me, but it seemed like every minute that passed was an hour. Looking at Izzy, I couldn’t tell how bad the damage was, she was bleeding from her head, but I didn’t see blood anywhere else.

It took another ten minutes for the ambulance to get there and when the paramedics put Izzy in the ambulance, Gates and I followed behind on our bikes. I swear I could feel the sound of my own heartbeat as it was beating so fast it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

When we got to the hospital, they took her right into the back and we were stuck standing there waiting for someone to tell us if she was dead or alive. This was the last thing I needed on my conscience right now.

2 hours later…

The doctor finally came out of the back and it was then that I finally stopped pacing back and forth. Gates stood up beside me and we both waited for an explanation on Izzy’s condition. I had to lie and tell the doctor her last name was Sanders just so they would tell me anything at all.

“She’s a lucky girl. As fast as she was going, she should be dead right now, but luckily she ended up with a few stitches in her head and a concussion.”

I let out the breath that I was holding in, relief doesn’t even begin to describe what I was feeling.

“The nurses just put her in a room. You can see her, but keep in mind, a concussion is still serious and she should sleep.”

I nodded and he pointed to the elevator. “She’s in room 312, you can get there through that elevator.”

I looked at Gates and he sat back down. “I’ll wait here.”

“No, you should go home. I’m going to stay.”

I walked away and went to the elevator. After getting inside I pushed the button for the 3rd floor. When I stepped off the elevator I walked right over to the nurse’s station and ask which direction Izzy’s room was in. The nurse pointed to a room only two doors away. As I walked the short distance, it felt like the longest mile.

There she was, lying on her side with her arm resting under her head on the pillow. Her eyes were closed and both were black and blue. I pulled a chair up to her bed and sat down. Watching her sleep was torture, I wanted her to open her eyes and look at me.

I also wanted to strangle her, but most of all I wanted her to be ok. I sat there well into the night watching her sleep. I even had to bribe the nurses to let me stay past visiting hours.

After a while I leaned back in the chair and felt my own eyelids start to become heavy. I fought with the tired feeling to keep my eyes open and when I did open them again, blue eyes stared back at me. She didn’t say anything; she just laid there looking back at me.

I got up off the chair and climbed on the bed, lying down beside her on my side so that I was facing her. “Hi” I smiled weakly.

“Hi” she whispered back.

I didn’t know what else to say to her. “You love me.” Was what came out of my mouth and I tapped her nose lightly with my finger. She nodded, but didn’t say anything.

“Izzy, I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what I feel and I can't tell you that I love you too because I need more time after the whole Kiera thing, but I do know I feel something and maybe in time that something will be love too.”

“My shoes” she whispered.

“Your shoes are safe in the penthouse, cant say the same for my car though” I shouldn’t have teased her, she closed her eyes and a tear slid down her cheek before she opened them again.

I put my hand on her hip and kissed her head. “Don’t do that. I’d rather have you then the car. Come back to the penthouse with me. We’ll take it slow and see where things go. Ok?”

Waiting for her to answer was like torture. She just continued to look into my eyes almost as if she was trying to figure out if she could trust me or not.
“Think about it then. You can answer me in the morning”

She nodded and closed her eyes. I stayed there beside her while she slept, hopefully in the morning the doctors would clear her to leave and she would come back with me.