We Come Out At Night

Chapter 26

It was two more days before Izzy was allowed to leave the hospital. She still hadn’t given me her answer as to whether or not she wanted to come back with me. I wasn’t going to let her fight me on this; I was taking her back with me until she was well.

She had nowhere to go, no family that I knew of anyway. It wasn’t possible that she could walk out of here and take care of herself. So, I took control of the situation and gave her no choice. The doctors had ordered bed rest for her and they gave her a few different prescriptions to take that Gates had offered to have filled for me.

An orderly brought a wheel chair when it was time to go and said it was hospital policy that all patients use a wheel chair on their way out. It was a hospital insurance thing I guessed. I helped Izzy into the wheel chair and pushed it down the hall to the elevator.

When we finally exited the hospital, Gates was waiting outside. He stood in front of the car and opened the back door when he saw us approaching. I lifted Izzy out of the wheel chair and set her down gently in the back seat before closing the door and getting into the passenger seat myself. Gates drove us back to the casino and as soon as we got there, I carried Izzy right up to the penthouse and set her down on the bed in my room.

“Do you want me to bring you anything?”

“No. Thanks.”

“Are you hungry?” I imagined that she would be starving. Hospital food sucks.

“No.” I guess I was wrong.

“Want to watch television?”

“I’m tired, I just really want to be left alone, if you don’t mind.” Great, now she hates me.

“Yeah sure” Disappointed, I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where Gates was sitting on the couch. He already had a beer waiting for me.

“I’m guessing you could use this.”

“Thanks.” I took the beer from him and sat down. Letting out a breath I shook my head and took a sip from the bottle. “I don’t know what to do.”

“What do you mean?”

“She doesn’t want to be here. She won’t even look at me.”

I watched as he inhaled from his cigarette and then exhale a steady stream of smoke.
“Just give it some time to set in. If you weren’t given a choice and forced to do something you didn’t want to do, how would you feel?”

He had a point. Bastard, sometimes I forgot how smart he was. “I can’t make her stay here if she doesn’t want to.”

“Well, you can’t exactly let her leave in that condition.”

“I know” I nodded. “Can you keep an eye on things down stairs without me tonight?”

“Yeah sure,” he nodded and stood up from the couch. After downing the rest of his beer, he set it down on the table and walked out.

I sat there beside myself not knowing what to do for Izzy. She looked so unhappy and her eyes were so vacant. She could have died and I would have been the one to blame.

I tried to watch television, but nothing seemed to hold my attention. I hadn’t heard a single sound from the bedroom for at least two hours until I finally heard a noise from Izzy. I heard the bathroom door close and then I heard her crying. Hysterically.

Getting up off the couch, I walked into the bedroom and over to the bathroom door. I debated walking in, but given the circumstances, I knocked. When she didn’t answer, all consideration I had was gone. I opened the door and found her standing in front of the mirror.

“Isabella?” I said her name as softly as I could manage and she turned her head to the side to look at me. Her eyes were filled with water that kept spilling over on to her bruised cheeks.

“Look at my face!” she said in one big sob.

“Izzy.” I felt so bad as I walked over to her. “It will go away.” My words didn’t seem to soothe her at all.

“This wont!” she pointed to the stitches on her forehead. “That’s going to be another scar!

I didn’t know what to say, I only knew that she would now have not one, but two visible scars because of me.

“I look like a fucking monster.” She cried and walked past me out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom over to the bed. When she sat she put her face in her hands and cried. I was at a complete and utter loss.

Slowly, I walked over to the bed without a clue as to how I was going to handle this situation. I sat down beside her and folded my hands in my lap. All I could do was let her cry it out.

“Is this really my life?” she finally lifted her face from her hands and looked at me.

“What do you mean?”

“I spent the last two years of my life letting one man take my freedom and control my life. When I try and get away, I end up scared for life. Yet, here I am and maybe it doesn’t seem this way to you, but it’s the same situation. I came here against my will and when I run, I get stuck with another scar. I just want to be free for once in my life.”

“ Iz..” I barely got her name out of my mouth before she started talking again.

“I’m so tired of everyone telling me how my life is going to be on a daily basis. I’m only 20 years old. This is supposed to be the time of my life, but instead I have nothing, but scars to show for it. I just want to be able to do something because I want to do it not because someone says I have to.”

Wow, she said a mouthful and rendered me speechless once again. I didn’t know how to answer her so I just put my arm around her shoulder and when I did, she turned and hid her face in my chest and cried.

“Izzy, I cant put you out on the street with no where to go. I just cant.” I didn’t want to force her to stay especially after what she just said, but I couldn’t let her go.

“Why here? Why did you bring me here? The penthouse?”

“Where else would I have brought you?”

“No” she shook her head. “Why didn’t you bring me back to the room I had before I left? Why? Because you have to be in control and have me under your thumb.”

“No, Izzy. It’s not that at all. You’re not well right now and you shouldn’t be alone. If you want to go back to the room downstairs, that’s fine.”

She moved her head from my chest and wiped her eyes with her hands.

“I want my own space. I want to be able to walk around without someone watching my every move. I’m not a prisoner!”

“No, you aren’t.” I reached for her hand and took it in mine. “Come on.”
I walked her out of the bedroom and through the living room right in to the elevator.
When it stopped we got off and walked across the hall to the room she used to have.
I opened the door and held it open for her as she walked inside. She was still sniffling back tears as she entered.

“ok?” I asked as she sat down on the bed. “You have the place all to yourself.”

“ok.” she sobbed.

I walked over and sat down on the bed beside her. “What else do you want?”

“I want a lock put on the door”

“Ok, in the morning, I’ll call a locksmith. What else?”

“I want to come and go as I please.”

That was a problem. “I am going to ask for a compromise,” I told her and she looked at me with big wet blue eyes. “Right now, you are under doctor’s orders and I don’t have the heart to ignore them and give you that one wish. When you are better and the doctor confirms as much, you can have the run of the damn place, but right now you have to be patient and deal with me being a little overbearing.”

She looked defeated and sad and she didn’t say anything in response. “I may be a lot of things, Izzy, but one thing is for sure, I keep my word. So, can you deal with me checking in on your for a few days?”

“ok.” she whispered.

I stood up and started to walk out the door, but turned back around. “Izzy, I’m sorry.” and with that I walked out the door and left her there alone.

I must have been out of my mind to give in so easily like that. She’s going to run, I can feel it.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one's ending soon...

This one's beginning soon ... We Come Out At Night 2

And i'll be ending Girl I Know over the weekend as well.