We Come Out At Night

Chapter 27

As promised, I had a locksmith come in the morning and put a lock on Izzy’s door while she slept. Of course I wasn’t going to just have a lock put on and give her the key without having one for myself. I was being generous, not stupid.

She slept soundly through the whole thing, even the drilling of the hole in the door. Must be some pretty strong meds or she didn’t get much sleep last night and was too exhausted to get up. As I stood there watching her sleep, the once dark purple and blue bruises around her eyes and across the bridge of her nose now had a hint of yellow around the edges. The yellowing was a sure sign that the bruises were starting to fade.

“Isabella.” I called out her name softly as I sat down on the bed. The girl slept like a rock. “Izzy.” I placed my hand on her shoulder and gently shook her.

“Go away! I’m tired.” She whined and pulled the covers up over her head.
I shook my head and leaned closer to her. After pulling the covers off her head, I braced my arms one on each side of her body.

“Are you going to sleep all day?”

“Yes.” She was blunt and never opened her eyes.

“It’s one o’clock in the afternoon. You have to at least get up and eat something.”


“I brought you fruit salad. No pineapple. Sit up.”

“I don’t want to!”

I sat up and put my hands on her arms and gently lifted her into a seated position. “Go away, I hate you!” she whined again as she opened sleepy eyes.

“Shut up, you love me and you already told me you do. You can’t change your mind now just because you are tired.”

She folded her arms across her chest and glared at me angrily. It was kinda funny, but I didn’t laugh in front of her. I picked up the bowl of fruit salad and set it down in her lap.

“Eat.” It wasn’t an order, but it was. She glared at me one last time before taking a piece of watermelon between her fingers and putting it in her mouth.

I reached over to the end table and picked up a mug. “Coffee?” she nodded and took the cup out of my hand. “Feeling up to getting out of you room today?”

“I don’t know.” she shrugged. “I don’t really want to go anywhere looking like this.”

“Well, Gates was wondering if you would be interested in him taking you to see a tattoo artist to get that “M” covered up on your shoulder.”

She looked up from her fruit bowl and seemed to be interested in what I just said. “I can have him bring the tattoo guy to you if you don’t want to go out.”

She nodded and continued to eat. This was really frustrating. “Izzy please talk to me.” She looked up at me and then leaned forward setting the empty bowl on the end table.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Tell me what you’re thinking, please just say anything or if you don’t want to say anything, fucking hit me damn it!” I shouldn’t have said that because she slapped me clear across my face. When I didn’t say anything, she slapped me again. I just looked at her stunned that she took me literally and slapped me twice.

“Izzy.” I said her name as my hand touched my face where she slapped me. She didn’t say anything; she just sat there looking at me wide eyed almost as if she couldn’t believe she did it either.

“You should go.” She finally spoke in a voice just barely above a whisper. Did she really think that I was going to walk out of here after that little display?

“No” I shook my head and “You don’t get to be the one on the high horse right now.” I moved closer and she moved back.

“You really should just leave.” Her eyes moved over my lips before moving back to meet my eyes.

“No, and you really should stop moving away” I moved forward again and she moved back again to the corner of the bed with nowhere else for her to go.

“Get out.” She said it, but it wasn’t convincing. So, I moved as close as I could until I was directly in front of her.

“And if I don’t?” with one eyebrow arched I dared her.

“If you don’t I… I’ll”

“You’ll what, Izzy?” I asked tracing my finger over her jaw.

“I…I…” I got her right where I want her right now.

“I don’t think I caught that?” I didn’t give her a chance to answer me. No more denying the obvious. When I kissed her, I hadn’t expected her to kiss me back, but she did. When I pulled back from her I looked right into her eyes. “Now what were you about to say?”

She just looked at me dumbfounded and I almost laughed, instead I kissed her again, only this time I pulled her closer.

“It hurts when you kiss me” she said touching her face with her hand.

“It hurts when I’m not kissing you, Izzy.” who am I and what have I done with myself? I’m not going to say it; I’m not going to admit it. No. No. No.

“I don’t know what to say to that,” she said.

“Don’t say anything then.” I kissed her again as softly as I could manage. “Better?”

“Yeah,” she nodded and I tried to be as gentle as I could with her. It was the first time I was grateful that there was a lock on the door so we couldn’t be disturbed. I didn’t plan on this stopping any time soon either. I waited long enough.