We Come Out At Night

Chapter 3

I was lying on my side and when I was finally able to open my eyes, I saw blue ones staring back at me. I didn’t move, didn’t say anything, every part of me hurt, but I wasn’t going to let them win.

“Why did you steal the car?” he asked as he sat in the chair that wasn’t meant to hold his tall frame. His legs were extended outward and one was crossed over the other.

“The keys were left in the ignition.”

“So, you just thought that meant it was ok for you to take?”

I moved my head up and down on the pillow simply nodding yes as my answer.

“That’s pretty ballsy considering the owner. Everyone knows his plate and everyone knows his temper. So, I don’t believe you would just steal his car because he left the keys sitting in the ignition.”

I was beginning to think that The Rev posed no physical threat to me. He spoke calmly although he did speak to me like I was a child standing in front of the principal. I wasn’t going to tell him that I was running away from Marco and the hell that befell me when I moved into his house. “I didn’t know who the owner was, nor do I know his place in this town. I stole the car because he left it there for me to take. If it wasn’t me, it would have been someone else.”

He laughed at me and sat up bending his legs at the knees. “Everyone knows M Shadows”

That’s when I truly knew I was completely and utterly fucked. I knew the name M. Shadows, but I hadn’t connected the name “Shadows” with M Shadows. I knew that he and Marco had a long-standing rift between them, but I wasn’t privy to the why or the about it. All I knew was that M Shadows owned The Sidewinder and he wasn’t the kind of man you fucked over.

Slowly, I lifted myself up in a seated position not taking my eyes off of his. Did you say M Shadows?”

“I did.” he nodded.

“Fuck my life.” I mumbled under my breath.

“What was that?” he asked leaning forward.

“I need to get out of here.” I looked around frantically for a way out, but as it would appear, the only way out was through the door at the top of the stairs.

He laughed again. “Not going to happen.”

“I need to use the bathroom.”

He nodded and got up from the chair. I watched as he walked over to the door on the other side of the room and unlocked it. He held it open and looked back at me motioning for me to get up and go inside. When I got up off the bed, I nearly fell to the ground as my legs started to fail me. My interaction with the one called “Gates” left me pained in places I didn’t know pain could exist. So, as I managed to regain my balance I walked over to the door that The Rev was holding open for me and walked inside.
“There is no window,” he noted as he closed the door behind me, purposely trying to leave me even more defeated than I already was.

The bathroom was tiny, just a toilet, a sink with a mirror above it and a bath tub. Hand towels hung on the wall by the sink and a single bath towel sat on the edge of the bathtub. At least it was clean. I used the toilet draining myself of the liquid that made my bladder feel like it was going to explode at any moment and when I finished, I walked over to the sink and turned on the water to wash my hands. That is when I caught my reflection in the mirror. I am not a conceited person by any means, but what I saw in the mirror was far from pretty. I was far from the girl I was when I was when I was draped in diamonds and pretty clothes. Now, I was bruised and vacant with no idea who the person looking back at me was.

“Hurry up!” I heard The Rev yell from the other side of the door and I turned the water off and walked out. I walked back over to the cot and sat down. He moved across the floor to where I sat and handed me a white paper bag.

“Eat,” he said and set down a diet Dr. Pepper on the end table. Honestly, I was starving, and when I opened the bag I found inside a sandwich, turkey with mustard on whole wheat and a bag of chips. He didn’t say another word, he just headed back up the stairs leaving me there to my lunch or dinner or whatever meal time it was.

I sat on the cot and set the chips on the end table figuring I would save them for later not knowing when I would eat again. I regretted biting into the sandwich as soon as I did it. My jaw felt like it had been hit with a baseball bat. “Gates.”

The man packed quite a punch. Thinking of his name is when it all clicked together. If Shadows was M Shadows, then Gates must be none other than Synyster Gates. What a fitting name for such a bastard. The two of them owned The Sidewinder and the vast majority of the girls in Vegas worked for one or both of them. I know this because the two of them are the reason why Marco starting putting the “M” on his girls. Something happened between the three of them and I don’t know what it was. I had heard that they were at one time great friends, until one day when Shadows and Gates did something that forced the feud between the two casinos making them the biggest rivals in the city.

I couldn’t eat the sandwich anymore; it hurt too much to chew. So, I wrapped up what was left of it and set it down on the end table. After glancing back over at the bathroom door that The Rev left unlocked, I decided that nothing would feel better right now then a hot bath.

I slid off the cot and walked back into the bathroom. Kneeling before the bathtub, I turned the knob that was marked with an “H” and watched as the water came steaming out of the faucet. I found some shampoo behind the mirror in the medicine cabinet and after opening the top I let some of it fall into the bathtub to produce a nice amount of bubbles. When the water had filled the bathtub I stripped out of my clothes and stepped inside the hot water. After sitting down I leaned my head back and closed my eyes letting the hot water do its job in soothing my aches and pains.

I must have been there lost in thought for at least a good 20 minutes. The water was not hot anymore now it was just lukewarm and there were still bubbles, but they were starting to disappear. I never heard the door open, nor did I hear the footsteps come down the stairs. I didn’t even realize anyone was standing in the bathroom until I heard him clear his throat.

I opened my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest to hide any visible flesh. He knelt down beside the tub and for a few brief seconds just looked into my eyes without a word.

“You could be a star,” he said in a low voice as he took in the features of my bruised face.

“I told you, I won’t be a whore for you.”

He nodded and looked back at my face. “ Soon enough, you’ll give up and give in. They all do and you are no different. Maybe you just need some more alone time with Gates.”

In my mind, I was screaming no, but I wasn’t going to show him my fear. “There is nothing you can do to me that hasn’t already been done.”

He gave me a sideways glance and for a second, I swear he went weak, but I was wrong.
His finger trailed down my wet arm and over my hand, but I didn’t flinch or pull away. I wasn’t going to let him have the upper hand. “Trust me, Izzy, you aint seen nothing yet.” his laugh was filled with malice as he got up and walked out of the bathroom.

I heard him yell out just before he walked up the stairs “Don't stay too much longer in the bath, you’ll prune. Christ will be down shortly with clean clothes. Make yourself pretty.”

Make yourself pretty; those very words came out of Marco’s mouth only two nights ago. Maybe this meant I was going to get out of this hell and maybe this meant I could try my luck again and get away from here. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what that son of a bitch had in store for me.
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Yes, Zacky is in the story....just not yet ;)