We Come Out At Night

Chapter 4

After stepping out of the tub, I wrapped a towel around me and immediately felt even colder than I did before I got into the tub. When I walked out of the bathroom, Christ was waiting for me. He rose from the chair and handed me a large bag.

“Get dressed.” he spoke sternly and I took the bag from his hands wondering what could possibly be inside. “I’ll be back in an hour to get you.”

I waited for him to leave before setting the bag down on the cot. I pulled out another bag, a small clear plastic bag with make up in it. Next, I pulled out a sheer white camisole top with matching white lace boy shorts. A pair of clear Lucite high heels sat at the bottom of the bag to complete the outfit.

Still wrapped in the towel, I took the make up bag back to the bathroom and started to apply it. I took some of the cover up and used it to hide the “M” that sat on my right shoulder, knowing that if one of them saw it, I would be in for a whole new world of hurt.

I dressed in the attire provided for me and sat down on the bed with my hair falling loosely about my shoulders waiting anxiously for what was to come next. When the door opened I turned my head towards the stairs and watched as Christ walked down every step.

“Move,” he said and I got up and walked over to where he stood while he eyed me up and down with every step I took. I could take him, for sure.

I stood before him and he held up his hand letting a white leather collar dangle from his palm. “You didn’t think it would be that easy did you?”

“What the hell is that for?” I asked

“Stand still” was his response as he put the leather collar around my neck. There was a metal loop on the front of the collar that I would assume a chain was supposed to be attached to, but instead he slipped his forefinger through the loop and yanked me forward towards the stairs.

When we stepped outside the door he dragged my by the collar out from behind the spiral staircase and led me to the wooden double doors that opened into the living room. I stood there in the doorway taking in the scene before me. There were girls everywhere each one scantily clad in lingerie. My eyes scanned the room until they landed upon Shadows.

His eyes locked with mine as he stood in front of the pool table with one girl to his left and one to his right. I watched as he turned his head and whispered something to each of them and both girls smiled and left his side. He then turned his gaze back to me and crooked his finger motioning for me to step forward. When I stood still in place he cocked his head to the side and folded his arms looking at Christ who knew what he wanted. Christ with his finger through the loop of the collar around my neck dragged me forward over to the pool table stopping in front of Shadows. He dismissed Christ and I stood there in front of him alone trying to figure out in my mind a way to get out of this house.

“As I said, you could be a star.” I was slowly becoming uncomfortable as he took in my appearance.

“Are you deaf or just plain stupid? I am not going to give up my body to re pay your damn debt.”

He laughed, but the tone of his laughter had a “Don’t fuck with me” vibe attached to it. His hand reached forward and he grabbed the loop on the collar pulling me closer so that you could barely slide a piece of paper between us.

“I found your purse in my car and of course I went through it. Isabella Falco. I like Isabella better than Izzy, it suits you. Now, Isabella, It’s time you learned your place here.”

A cold chill ran up my spine as he spoke those words in my ear. I knew there was someone standing behind me, but I was too nervous to turn around and see who it was.

“Have fun, Isabella.” He winked and a hand snaked around my arm from behind me. I turned around to face Gates and every hair on my arm stood up. Him, I actually feared openly as he never said a single word to me, but his actions spoke volumes.

He led me back out the double doors back to the spiral staircase only this time, instead of going back to the door behind the staircase, he led me up the stairs and down a long hallway. Girls lined the hallway standing in front of open doors of what appeared to be bedrooms and each one vying for attention from Gates. I am assuming he was a favorite among the ladies of the house. When he paid them no mind they all shot me disapproving looks. We reached the end of the hall and he opened the door holding it open for me to walk through.

I stepped into the room and took in my surroundings, immediately looking for the nearest window. In the room sat a huge bed framed in wrought iron and covered in black bedding. The carpet was a deep purple color that even I would have picked out myself.

“Sit down.” He pointed towards the bed and walked over to the bar. As I walked to the bed, I could hear ice clinking in a glass just before the sound of liquid being poured into it.

The bed was high off the ground and even with heels on, I had to hop up to get onto the bed. I sat there nervously watching as he pulled something from his pocket and put it into the glass. I swallowed hard as he picked up both glasses and walked over to the bed where I sat. He handed me a glass and sat down on the bed beside me.

“Drink it,” he said and he wasn’t asking either. My hand shook as I brought the glass to my lips. I took a sip from the glass and the liquid burned my throat as it went down. “All of it” he said and I looked at him with pleading eyes, but he was unwavering. So, I brought the glass to my lips again and downed the remaining liquid.

“Good girl” he whispered and took the glass from me. I sat there taking in his appearance as he got up and went to the bar and refilled my glass. Once again he took something out of his pocket and put it in the glass. When he walked back to the bed he handed me the glass again. I looked down at the liquid in the glass and back up at him.

“I feel dizzy.” I was starting to feel a little strange; he had to have drugged my drink.

“Drink and you’ll feel much better,” he whispered in my ear.

“Ok.” I drank the liquid down in one shot and handed him back the glass. I watched as he set the glass down on the table and pouted. “I want more.”

He grinned as he stood before me “not yet” he said as he took his shirt off.

“How do you feel now, Izzy?”

“It’s hot in here.” What ever he put in my drink made my body extremely hot and the dizzying effect was starting to get worse. “I need to lie down.”

“Stand up.”

I did as he requested and slid off the edge of the bed, but my legs had betrayed me yet again and I had to lean on him to catch my balance. He pulled back the covers on the bed and lifted me back up and set me down back on the edge of the bed.

I kicked off my shoes and let them fall to the floor while he drank from his own glass.

“That’s it love, make yourself comfortable.” His voice sounded like velvet to me now and I found myself unable to keep hold on my senses.

“Why am I here?” I asked him as he sat down on the bed beside me.

“All the new girls come to me first.”

“I’m a new girl?” I turned to look at him for a response and he just nodded. What came out of my mouth next was a sure sign that I was no longer in control of my mind. “You have a pretty face.”

He chuckled lightly at my pointing out the obvious to him. I reached for the glass in his hand and took it to my lips. He watched with a sly smile on his face as I sipped the liquid from his glass. “Do you feel strange?”

“No, I feel just fine.” I couldn’t understand why he was ok and I was feeling like I just smoked the biggest blunt on earth.

I handed him back his glass and he finished off the remaining liquid before getting up and setting the glass down on the table. I watched as he picked up his cigarettes and took one out of the pack and put it to his lips. When he lit the cigarette, I pulled it out of his mouth and put it in mine. “This is going to be like taking candy from a baby” he laughed.

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see” he winked at me and lit another cigarette for himself.

“We need music.” I said just before taking a drag from the cigarette.

“What ever you want, love.” He walked over to the ipod deck on the dresser and turned it on before walking back to the bed. What came out of the speakers was foreign to me.

“What is this?” I asked

“Avenged Sevenfold.” He said it in a tone of voice that stated that it should be obvious to me.

“I don’t like it.” I wrinkled my nose up at him and he laughed in response.

“What do you like?” he asked closing the gap between us and standing in front of me.

“I like your tattoos.” I trailed my finger over his rock hard arm. If I were in my right mind I’d smack the hell out of me right now. He stood still and watched as my finger moved up and down from his shoulder to his wrist. “Can you open the window or put the a/c on? It’s really hot in here.”

He nodded and walked over to the dial on the wall by the door and changed the temperature of the room so that it was cooler.

“Better?” he asked and I nodded in response. He walked back over to the bed and got in sliding himself behind me and leaning up against the headboard. When he finished with his cigarette he leaned forward and put it out in the ashtray on the end table.

“Are we going to sleep now?” I asked looking back at him as a yawn escaped my mouth.

He just shook his head no and patted the spot on the bed next to him motioning for me to come and sit by him. I moved back and sat beside him resting my hands in my lap.

“We are going to get to know each other a little better first.” He grinned.

“Ok.” I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.

His thumb found the underside of my chin and he lifted my head to that I was looking up at him. “Tell me, Izzy, do you like me?”

“You’re pretty.” I nodded. “You look like one of those guys on the cover of a romance novel.”

He laughed heartily when I told him that. “Do you want me to kiss you, Izzy?”

“Yes.” I nodded wanting to do a whole lot more than kiss this beautiful man.
I didn’t have to say much more, his smiled and lowered his face to mine. His lips were so soft against mine I was beginning to feel like I was in some sort of a dream state. I held my hand on his face as he kissed me never wanting this drug induced feeling to end.
When he pulled his face from mine I looked at him disappointed. “Why don’t we get a little more comfortable, love.”

“Ok.” I said as he removed his pants and leaned forward dropping them on the floor. He lay on his side and propped himself up on his elbow, resting his head in his hand.

“Come lay down,” he said and I did as he requested lying on my back beside him looking up at him while he lay there smiling down at me. “Are you nervous, love?”

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Don’t be, I’m not going to hurt you.” he said as his fingers tangled themselves in my hair. “Unless, you want me to.” he teased.

His lips came back to mine only this time, his tongue sought entrance and I parted them giving him what he wanted. I shivered when his finger traced up the side of my rib cage over the thin camisole. “I think we should take this off, don’t you?” he said touching the hem of my shirt. I only nodded in response. I was too lost in his eyes to be able to form a single word. I held my arms up as he lifted the camisole over my head then brought his lips back to mine. “Much better” he whispered against my lips as his hands trailed across my stomach. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest when his lips touched my neck. “Gates” I whispered his name.

“mmm, say it again” he said as his hot breath coated my neck.

“Gates, I want to touch you.” I felt him smile against my neck as my hand reached beneath the blanket finding his erection. My hand moved slowly up and down his hard on and he moved his lips to my ear taking my ear lobe between his lips as his hand moved down my stomach to remove the white lace boy shorts I was wearing.

“Just like that love” he whispered approving of the way I was touching him.

“I want more,” I whispered back and he lifted his head looking at me with lust filled eyes. I reached for his lips and decided it was my turn to take control of the situation. I kissed him and lightly pushed him down on his back before disappearing beneath the covers.

“Izzy what are you…oh fuck.” I heard him say as I took him into my mouth. I had no idea what had come over me, but what ever he slipped in my drink made him irresistible to me. My tongue flicked over his tip and a groan escaped his mouth. I continued to pleasure him orally for a little while longer while his hands were tangled in my hair. “Izzy, come back up here.” I heard him whisper gruffly and as he requested I moved my lips up to his stomach and kissed my way back up to his lips.

“You’re going to be the one that drives me crazy, aren’t you?” He asked looking up at me. I wasn’t sure what he meant by that and for a moment I searched his eyes trying to figure it out. He turned over taking me with him so that he was now on top.

I looked at him disapprovingly “What’s the matter?” he asked.

“I want to be on top.”

He laughed softly before kissing me again. “Next time.”

I lost myself in his kisses as he moved inside me. Nothing I had ever felt had ever felt this good. My fingers traced over his back as my hips moved with his. He bit my bottom lip when I scratched his back with my nails. “I’m sorry,” I whispered against his lips.

“Don’t be,” he groaned as he pushed harder. “You feel so good, love.”

My back arched as his lips found my neck again. “Please.” I whispered.

“Please what, love?” he whispered back.

“Please, don’t stop.” I lifted my hips and looked right into his eyes as my body was overcome with pleasure. It could only be described as euphoric. He smiled as he too was reaching his own orgasm and when he finished he continued to kiss me until his breathing returned to normal.

He turned onto his back taking me with him. My head rest on his shoulder while my arm draped across his stomach. “More” I whispered against his neck and he laughed wrapping his arms around me tightly.

Shortly after I felt my eyelids become heavy and as I was drifting off into sleep, I swear I could hear him say… “You are definitely going to be the one that drives me fucking nuts.”