We Come Out At Night

Chapter 5

I opened my eyes and it took me a moment to figure out where I was. My head started throbbing immediately as I lifted it. Heavy tattooed arms were wrapped around my naked body, arms that belonged to none other than Gates himself. How in the fuck did I end up naked in bed with this man? After freeing myself from his arms, I sat up and pulled the sheets up over my body. His eyes opened and he sat up beside me.

“Something wrong, love?” He smirked and I knew that he knew something I didn’t.

“What did you do to me?”

“Nothing that you didn’t want me to do.” When he said that, I reached out my hand and slapped him clear across the face.

“Well, you didn’t seem like the S & M type, but I can work with that.” he smirked again.

I shook my head and got up off the bed wrapping the sheet around my body. I found my clothes, what little there were and walked right out the door of the room and down the hall. He pulled on a pair of jeans and trailed behind me down the hallway.

I nearly tripped over the sheet as I started to descend down the spiral staircase while he followed closely behind me. There was no point in trying to run out the front door, I wasn’t that stupid, I knew I wouldn’t get close enough to get out with him right behind me and I had no clothes on.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I headed straight for the double doors and pushed them open as hard as I could. I saw my target instantly and walked right up to him, while everyone else in the room turned their eyes in my direction as I stood before Shadows. The girl who was sitting in his lap never knew what hit her when I reached for her hair and yanked her off his lap onto the floor. His hands braced the arms of the chair as if he was about to stand up, but I was too pissed off to let that happen. My fist connected with his jaw slamming him back down into his seat and like a pack of wolves Christ, The Rev and Gates descended upon me.

“You son of a bitch!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. “I told you I wouldn’t be your whore.”

He rubbed his jaw as The Rev grabbed a handful of my hair. “Let go of me!” I yelled but he only pulled it harder. Two can play this game; I reached back and punched him as hard as I could in the one place that could make a man cry.

“Oh fuck” he groaned as he leaned forward and placed his hands over his crotch.

“That’s enough!” Shadows growled and yanked me forward onto his lap. I held the sheet close to my body so as not to let it slip. “You, my little hellion, have apparently yet to learn your place here.”

“I’m leaving!” I protested.
He leaned back and laughed as his arm snaked around my waist. “I like em feisty.”

“Let go of me.”

“Ok” he said and shoved me off him on to the floor. He nodded towards Gates who lifted me off the floor and carried me out of the room. Of course he brought me right back down to hell, that little room behind the spiral staircase.

“I’m not going to stay here.” I didn’t want to cry, but I couldn’t help it any longer especially not knowing what did or didn’t happen the night before.

“You brought this on yourself little one. You shouldn’t have stolen from Shadows” He set me down on the bed and stood with his arms folded.

“He got his car back, it’s not like I sold it for the money!” I shouted.

He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.”

“It does matter when he is making me pay for it with my body!”

I hid my face in my hands and let myself cry in front of him. There was no point in being tough anymore; they were obviously never going to let me win. Gates knelt down in front of me and set his hands down on my legs. “Just do what he says and no harm will come to you. It’s not his style to hurt girls, but anger him and he wont think twice about it.” and with that, he got up and left me there alone.

Still wrapped in the sheet, I lay down on the cot and sobbed uncontrollably. There was no way out of here. Something inside me told me that even if I did manage to pay back the debt to Shadows, I still wouldn’t be getting out of here. It was something that Gates had said to me that had me thinking all of a sudden. Maybe if I played along with Shadows and made him like me, maybe I could get out of here. I closed my eyes trying to forget the hell I was in and managed to fall back to sleep.

2 hours later…

I opened my eyes and sitting in the chair in front of me was none other than Shadows himself. I had to bite my tongue so as not to spit out something vile at him. I needed to make him like me. He was glaring at me as I sat up and pulled the sheet up with me.

“Do something stupid like hit me again and I will break your arm,” he warned, but I didn’t say a word. I just wiped the remnants of tears off my cheeks and looked back at him. He nodded over to the end table where a cup of coffee sat on a tray along with a bowl of fruit salad and a bagel with cream cheese. “Eat.”

I nodded and tucked the edge of the sheet under my arm so that it was wrapped tight enough not to fall down and then grabbed the tray and set it down on my lap.

“Gates tells me you two had quite an evening.”

I shrugged. “I cant remember any of it,” which was the truth. All I could remember was walking into his room and having a few drinks. Everything after that was a complete blur. Shadows watched me intently as I took a piece of fruit from the bowl and set it down on the tray, before picking up a strawberry and eating it.

“Apparently, you were quite well behaved and I like it when my girls are well behaved. So, tonight I will reward you for that.”

“What does that mean when you refer to me as one of your girls?” I asked nervously as I set another piece of fruit on the tray.

He got up and sat on the cot beside me, which made me even more nervous considering I had no clothes on under the sheet. “That means for the time that you are here, you belong to me. What I say goes. Obey and good things will come to you. Disobey and well let’s just say it wont be pretty.”

I nodded and set another piece of fruit on the tray. “What on Earth are you doing?”

“I don’t like pineapple.” I wrinkled up my nose at him and he looked down at my tray to see that I had picked all the pineapple out of the salad.

“Me either.”

“Why did you leave your car running with the keys in the ignition?” I wasn’t trying to provoke him, just trying to figure him out.

“People around here know my car; I don’t have to worry about someone stealing it. Or so I thought”

“I’m not from around here, I’ve only been here two years.” I opened the bagel and offered him half, but he declined.

“Where are you from, then?”

“West Covina, California.”

“And how did you end up here?” he asked picking a strawberry out of the bowl and popping it into his mouth.

“I hitch hiked.” I guess that wasn’t the answer he was expecting because he looked at me with wide eyes.

“You hitch hiked? Do you know how dangerous that is?”

“You don’t know the half of it”

“Why don’t you tell me then?”

I looked over at him and I could see he was genuinely interested in hearing my story, only there was no way I could tell him about Marco.

“I was picked up by a man, a very good looking man. He promised me the world and didn’t deliver. Instead he made my life a living hell.” I took a sip from the cup of coffee before continuing. “One night, he said we were going out and we stopped at the gas station. When I saw your car was running with the keys inside, I took my chances and got out of his car and into yours.”

“So you stole my car to get away from this man?”

I nodded. “Yeah, just my luck I went from one hell to another.”

He couldn’t help himself, he started laughing at me and while his head was back and his mouth was open I grabbed a piece of pineapple and shoved it in his mouth.

He stopped laughing and made a sour face before taking the pineapple out of his mouth and set it down on the tray.

“Don’t laugh at me!” I lifted the tray off my lap and set it back down on the end table. I looked back at him as he got up and picked up the tray.

“Where are my clothes?”

“There is an outfit for tonight on a hanger in the bathroom.”

“How will I know when I am supposed to get ready?”

He took his watch off his arm and set it down on the end table. “ Be ready by 7:00PM. And you should try and get some sleep; it’s going to be a long night.”

I nodded hoping that I had made some progress with him. He turned and walked up the stairs and when I heard the door close, I lay back down and closed my eyes thinking of how I was going to be able to keep up this charade. How long I was going to have to pretend to like this man who I couldn’t wait to get the hell away from.

I must have slept the entire day away because when I opened my eyes and turned on the lamp there was another tray sitting on the end table. On the tray sat a sandwich with a mixed green salad and an entire uncut pineapple. I laughed at the inside joke that Shadows shared with me as I looked at the pineapple. After picking up his watch and glancing at the time I got up off the cot. It was already 5:30 and that only left me an hour and a half to get ready. I grabbed half of the sandwich and took it into the bathroom with me.

The outfit that Shadows had left for me was a red corset with black lace and a tiny black skirt with red high heels. When I finished washing up, I applied my make up and once again hid the “M” on my shoulder with cover up. I stepped into the skirt and pulled it up just below my belly button. It was more like a belt than a skirt it was so short. The corset was another story, I put it on, but had some trouble lacing up the back. I did the best I could but dropped my hands to the side when I heard his voice in the doorway.

“Need some help with that?” he asked as he stepped behind me.

“Not to tight, I still have to breathe.” I watched his reflection in the mirror as he laced up the back of the corset. I’d be lying if I said he didn’t look good. Black was his color and he was quite attractive actually.

“Enjoy your lunch?” he asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

“Yeah, remind me to pay you back for the pineapple.”

He chuckled and when he finished he looked up at me in the mirror. “Almost perfect.”


He nodded and took something from the pocket of his black blazer. His arm came around my neck and I looked to see a single ruby hanging on a silver chain. I lifted my hair for him so he could fix the clasp in the back.

“There, now you’re perfect.”

I turned around to face him “now what?”

“Now, you come with me.”

We walked up the stairs together and I held onto his arm to keep my balance. I wasn’t the greatest walker in heels this high. We walked out the front door to a waiting vehicle and in the back sat The Rev and Christ. Shadows opened the door for me and helped me inside as I took my seat next to The Rev. Gates who sat in the driver’s seat turned his head and winked at me as Shadows got into the passenger seat. I managed to fake a smile for him.

Gates and Shadows were deep in conversation the whole drive, which lasted only 15 minutes. We pulled up in front of the casino and Gates got out and handed the keys to the valet while Shadows opened the door for me and took my hand to help me out of the car.

The Rev and Christ disappeared inside while I walked hand in hand with Shadows as Gates followed behind us. The inside was quite gaudy, filled with shades of gold and red while lights flashed in every color imaginable depending on the machine they were attached to.

Shadows stopped walking and I caught a glimpse of a man I knew all too well. I grabbed his muscular arm and hid behind his back holding on to his arm for dear life. Of course he seemed confused by my actions, but he had no time to react due to the company he was about to find himself in the midst of.

“Shadows” I heard his voice and a shiver ran up my spine.

“Montes, what brings you to my casino?”

“Just keeping my friends close and my enemies closer.” He was very matter of fact in his answer.

“Well, then. Have fun.” Shadows grinned and Montes nodded and walked away. When Marco walked away Shadows turned around to face me and looked down disapprovingly. “What is the matter with you?”

“Sorry, I don’t do well with people.” I lied, I was a people person, but it was the only excuse I could come up with.

“You’ll be fine, come on.” he led me down through the casino to a V.I.P. area and opened the door. We walked into a large gentleman’s lounge type of a room. There were girls dressed in hardly anything at all and men who looked like they were wealthy beyond my imagination.

“Well, who do we have here?” A man stood before me and he seemed to be a friend of Shadows.

“This is Isabella, she’s my guest.” He smiled down at me as I squeezed his hand. “Isabella, this is Vengeance.”

Vengeance smiled and took my hand kissing the top of it before letting it go. “It’s nice to meet you, Isabella, but I feel like I know you from somewhere. Is it possible that we’ve met before?”

“I don’t think so.” I replied meekly knowing full well he had seen me before on Marco’s arm.

“Are you staying for a while?” he asked Shadows and his response was a nod. We walked over to a red velvet couch and Shadows sat down. Just as I was about to sit beside him, he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me onto his lap.

“No, you sit here with me.” he smiled and I really wasn’t comfortable with that, but I went along with it to gain his trust. Gates walked over and handed me a drink before sitting down at the other end of the couch. A pretty red head instantly joined him.

“What does Vengeance do here??”

“Vengeance is what we’ll call a talent scout so to speak. He goes to the other casinos and finds the most beautiful girls and brings them back to me.”

“And they go willingly?” he laughed when I asked that question.

“You are so naïve, it’s charming.”

I sat there bored out of my mind while Shadows conversed with his friends. I leaned back against his chest and his arm snaked around my waist possessively as I watched a man walk into the room. He spoke with Vengeance for a brief moment before pointing to the girl of his choice. Vengeance nodded and walked over to the girl and took her by the hand leading her back to her man of the evening. The two walked over to an elevator door and stood before it waiting for it to open. When it did, they disappeared inside.

Curiosity got the better of me as I leaned my face to Shadows ear. “Where are they going?” I whispered and he followed my gaze to the two people who disappeared behind the elevator door.

“Upstairs” he smiled and continued with his conversation. I finished my drink and it was quickly replaced with another thanks to Gates. I sipped my drink slowly and turned my attention to the buttons on the black shirt worn by Shadows. The top three buttons were undone and I could see a partial tattoo sticking out. Once again curiosity got the better of me and I found my hand trailing up the shirt to open another button.

“What are you doing?” he asked as his hand lightly moved over mine.

“I want to see,” I said and he laughed before turning his attention back to Gates. I moved the open part of his shirt so I could see his tattoos. He was quite a sight to behold and had this been any other situation, I would have probably thrown myself at him.

On the other side of the room the remaining girls talked amongst themselves and some sat with men just as I did with Shadows while others “amused” themselves. There were girls making out with girls and some doing the same or more with men. Honestly, the fact that I was sitting on the lap of the man who could only be described as an Adonis with everything happening before my eyes was making this somewhat arousing. Or maybe it was just the alcohol. Shadows was now talking with The Rev, who I hadn’t even notice walk in, but I could feel someone else’s eyes on me. I turned my gaze to Gates who was watching me intently as the red head on his lap whispered something in his ear. I looked back at a blonde across the room and sighed looking back at Gates.

“Go with what you feel” he winked and I could feel the blush rising in my cheeks.

I turned my attention back to Shadows who had just ended his conversation with The Rev and was about to say something to Gates when I took this as my chance to intervene.

“Shadows?” I whispered in his ear for only him to hear.


I sat up and looked in his eyes. “I want one.”

He looked at me confused “One what?”

I pointed to the other side of the room and a sly smile crept across his face. “Which one do you want, baby?” he whispered against my bare neck.

I pointed to the blonde I saw earlier when I had that brief interaction with Gates.
“Can I have that one?”

He didn’t answer, instead he motioned for Vengeance to come over and when he did Shadows whispered something in his ear and he nodded. I followed Vengeance with my eyes as he walked to the other side of the room and took the blonde by the hand. He brought her back to where we sat and stood her before me.

“This is Chelsea” he winked and walked away.

“Is this the one you want?” Shadows asked while his hand lightly rubbed my inner thigh.

I nodded and he returned my response with a smile. We got up and walked to the elevator with Chelsea following behind. Shadows reached for the button that was labeled “PH” and I could only imagine that it stood for Penthouse.

When the door slid open we walked into a huge suite. Everything in the room was white; it was somewhat sexy yet sterile at the same time. “Wow.” I whispered and behind me I could hear Shadows chuckle. He arm came around my shoulder and he handed me a drink. It was as if they had their own brand of alcohol that could make ones mind and body do things beyond ones control. Frankly, I was beginning to like it.

His hands move my hair to the side while he loosened the laces on my corset. Chelsea stood in front of me helping me out of my skirt. How nice of her. I stood in front of him with my back against his chest as he slid the corset off me. Shadows grabbed a chair and sat down pulling me down on top of him. I reached my arms back around his neck while Chelsea got on her knees in front of us using her tongue as a means to send me into a complete state of bliss. I bit Shadows lip when his hands covered my chest. I had never been with a girl before tonight, but this was exciting me. I reached my hand back and slid it down Shadows pants, what I found waiting for me could only be describe as a monster, he was huge and that was no lie. He growled lowly in my ear as I stroked my hand up and down. “I don’t want to share this.” I whispered and needed not say another word. He leaned forward and grabbed Chelsea by her hair. “Leave.” he growled and I was even more turned on by the way he took control. When Chelsea disappeared behind the door of the elevator I turned myself around in his lap and fumbled with his belt.

“Let me help” he said and undid his belt along with the button and the zipper on his pants while I ripped open the rest of the buttons on his shirt. “What’s your hurry?” He laughed and lifted me up in his arms while I slid his shirt down over his shoulders. When we got to the bedroom he set me down on the bed and slipped out of his pants. He joined me on the bed and I yanked him down making him laugh again. I didn’t want to wait any longer I wanted him now. When I slipped my tongue into his mouth, I felt him start to enter me and I couldn’t help gasping. His size was a little more than I could handle and it was a little painful. I’m sure it was a reaction he was used to because he slowed down and decreased his movement until I was comfortable. After slow steady movements, I was able to take him fully inside and it was only then that he started to pick up his pace a little more. “Shadows” I whispered against his lips and he stopped. “Matt, only when we are alone like this, you can call me Matt.” he panted. ”Matt?” I smiled. “If you don’t move faster, I’m going to go find someone else to satisfy me.” I teased.

“Your wish is my command” he grinned and moved faster

“That’s better,” I said running my hands up his back. “Now, harder.” I whispered in his ear and he was quick to oblige me. “Just like that.” I bit down on his shoulder and he groaned.

“Baby, you’re intense,” he whispered.

“Too much for you to handle, Matt?” I asked with a voice that was sticky sweet.

“Never” he replied thrusting himself as hard as he could. When I felt his body tense up, I knew what was about to happen to him because it was happening to me too. I found his lips again and kissed him roughly as his body began to shudder against mine.

I rested my head back down on the pillow and he followed bringing his lips back to mine. I could taste the blood on his lips and smiled against his kiss. “You’re bleeding,” I whispered.

“You’re a little wild cat,” he laughed as I traced my finger over his lower lip. When he tried to bite it I quickly moved it away.

This wasn’t how the night was supposed to go. I thought to myself as I lay there against his warm sweat soaked chest. I was supposed to make him like me, not go to bed with him. Yet, here I am, sadly, strangely attracted to this man in ways I can’t describe. This is going to be a problem. Was it his dangerous demeanor? His tattooed chiseled body? His baby face? Maybe it was all of the above or maybe just a momentary lapse of reason. What ever it was, it was damn good and I wanted more of it right now.

I lifted my head from his chest to look at his face and he opened his eyes and looked back at me. “I’m not tired.” I smiled as his finger traced circles over my lower back.

“Oh no?” he asked with one eyebrow raised as I moved up over him. “What are you doing?”

I sat up and he rested his hands on my hips as he looked up at me. “My turn.” I smiled and he put his arms behind his head and smiled.

“Have at it, doll.”

How many times did I tell him I wasn’t going to be a whore for him? I think I just contradicted myself.
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Zacky's a pimp! Ha ha!
Seriously he plays a key role in the mystery.