We Come Out At Night

Chapter 6

Sleep didn’t come until hours later, it was a night filled with lust, desire and sex. Shadows wasn’t the “make love” type of guy, he was a hard core lover and I found that side of him extremely hard to resist, not to mention sexy as fuck.

He was lying on his back and I on my side as I watched his chest steadily rise and fall while he slept. I had been awake for a while, but I guess after last night, Shadows was exhausted. He must have felt my eyes on him because he turned his head to the side and opened his own eyes. “Is this the part where you slap me?”

I smirked in response and he turned onto his side. “What are you thinking about?”

“Last night. That room where we were before we came up here.”

“What about it?” he asked moving a strand of hair from my face.

“Is that what is going to happen to me?”

He rolled onto his back again and put his arms behind his head. “I don’t know yet, I have to talk to Synyster and see what he thinks we should do with you.” He was looking up at the ceiling as he spoke.

“Is it his decision?” I asked wondering if I had warmed up to the wrong guy.

“It’s our decision, we’re partners.”

I sat up in the bed and pulled the sheet up over my chest. The bed shifted as he sat up and brought his lips to my neck. “If I gave you the choice between that room and the one behind the spiral staircase, which would you chose, Isabella?”

I turned my head back to look at him “Why can’t I just stay here with you? I don’t want to be with a different man every night for money. It’s you I owe the debt to.”

He nodded. “Like I said, I have to talk to Syn. Until then, you can stay with me.”

“Ok.” Inside my head I let out a small scream of victory. It was just a little one, but it was still a step in the direction of getting myself away from here. “I’m hungry.” He nodded and got up off the bed. I watched him as he wrapped a sheet around his waist and walk over to the phone. He called room service and ordered breakfast and as he spoke sternly to the person on the other end of the phone. I heard him stress “no pineapple.” When he hung up the phone he walked back over to the bed and sat down on the edge.

“You did this.” He pointed to what resembled claw marks on his side.

“That I did.” I nodded. “And if you don’t put a shirt on soon, I’ll do it again” I warned.

“As I said last night, you are a little wild cat” he noted pointing his finger at me. I grabbed his finger and pulled him closer.

“You loved every second of it,” I said just before taking his bottom lip between mine. Our kiss was so rudely interrupted by the bell that meant the elevator door had just opened. Matt got up off the bed and walked out to the living area where he met the room service attendant. After taking the cart, he dismissed the man and brought it into the bedroom.

“Breakfast.” He smiled and set the cart in the center of the room. There was everything from fruit to bacon and eggs on the tray along with coffee and mimosas.
Matt picked up the bowl of fruit and brought it over to me and set it down on my lap.
“No pineapple” he winked and sat back down on the edge of the bed.

I picked up a piece of watermelon and slipped it passed his lips. “I’m not hungry any more” after I let the sheet fall that I was holding up over my chest, he grabbed the fruit and set it back down on the table. He turned around and tackled me down on the bed while I laughed. This was the most comfortable that I had been around him since I’d got here.

We stayed in bed for several more hours doing anything and everything we could to inflict the utmost pleasure upon each other let alone ourselves until we’d managed to completely exhaust ourselves to the point of falling back to sleep. .

I opened my eyes after feeling his arms slip out from under me. “Stay here” he whispered and I saw him walk into to other room with Gates. I tried to hear the conversation they were having, but I was so tired I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. I woke up when I felt soft lips trailing sweet kisses up my spine. “mmm”

I turned over onto my back, but it wasn’t Shadows that I turned to face, it was Gates.
“Hi, love” he whispered before kissing my lips lightly.

“Where’s Shadows?” I asked as I wiped the sleep out of my eyes. He laid down on the bed beside me and turned on his side propping himself up on one elbow.

“He’ll be back, he had some business to take care of in the casino.” His finger traced over my collarbone as he watched my eyes looking back at his. “He’s quite taken with you, Shadows is.”

“Me? He said that?” I looked at him wide eyed and a bit shocked.

“What he said was that if anyone were to so much as look at you cross eyed, I was to break their neck. That is his way of saying he’s taken with you.”

“Doesn’t that apply to you?”

“No, it doesn’t apply to me” he smiled and kissed my lips again. I didn’t understand the partnership they had, but I liked the softer side of both of them as opposed to the macho bad boys that they really were.

“You guys are going to keep me aren’t you?” I tried to hide the tears, but one got away and slid down my cheek.

“Hey.” he whispered wiping my cheek with his finger. “It’s not all bad, I promise. You can have what every you want if you play your cards right.”

“I don’t know how to play cards.” my naiveté made him laugh heartily. So much so that he fell onto his back holding his stomach.

“It’s a figure of speech, sweet one.”

“I don’t want to be one of those girls in that room downstairs.”

“I know, Shadows told me and we will discuss it later.”

I sat up in the bed and reached into his pants pocket for his cigarettes. He laughed at my being so forward, but didn’t seem to mind. I sat there and smoked the cigarette, while he continued to lay there watching me. Shadows came back shortly after and walked over to the bed and handed me a cup of coffee.

“Thanks.” I smiled.

“Don’t you think it’s about time you get out of bed?” he stood there with his eyebrow raised and his arms folded.

“I don’t have any clothes.”

“I don’t see the problem, Gates do you see a problem?”

“Nope, not me. No problem here.” They were teasing me and I folded my arms across my chest when Gates looked up at me laughing. “There is a pair of jeans and a t-shirt waiting for you in the other room”

I stood up with the sheet wrapped around me and got up off the bed. I walked passed Shadows and when I reached the doorway I turned back to look at both of them. There was a sight to see and part of me held the dirtiest thought in my head as I imagined having both of them at the same time.

I walked into the living room and saw the clothes that Gates left for me on the table, but I didn’t feel like getting dressed yet. What was the point if I wasn’t going anywhere yet?
So I sat on the plush sofa and picked up the remote to turn on the television.

I glanced over at the elevator when I heard the bell ding. Vengeance stepped out and walked into the living area. “Isabella, I trust you enjoyed yourself last night.”

“Very much.” I smiled.

I didn’t like the way he was looking at me. I had been stared at by Shadows and Gates, but the way Vengeance was looking at me was making me feel down right dirty.

I looked over as Shadows appeared in the living room with Gates following behind. He motioned for Vengeance and Gates to go into the dining area and they nodded. When they were gone he walked over to the couch and sat down on the coffee table in front of the couch where I sat. “I’m going to be right over there” he said pointing over at the dining area where I could see Shadows and Gates sitting. “I trust that I can leave you alone over here for a little while.”

I nodded. “Is that about me?”

“Part of it, yes.” he nodded. “Call room service, order what ever you want.”


He got up and walked over to the dining area and sat down with the other two men. The three of them were quickly involved in their conversation while I sat there on the couch watching re-runs of I love Lucy.

A half hour had passed and they still hadn’t finished their conversation. I glanced over at the table and saw Vengeance staring back at me. What ever they were talking about seemed to get very heated because I could see Shadows slam his fist down on the table.

Gates seemed to be the one to mediate between Shadows and Vengeance and managed to calm the two of them down. When my stomach growled it reminded me that all I had to eat today was a few strawberries so I got up and went to the phone to call room service. I could feel Shadows watching my every move as I glided across the floor to the phone to call room service. Honestly, I could run right now and have a good head start, but I probably wouldn’t make it out of the casino. I placed my order over the phone and looked over to see Shadows watching me like a hawk. When I’d finished, I set the phone back down and walked passed the couch to the bedroom. I didn’t feel like getting dressed, but I didn’t want to stay wrapped in a sheet any more either so I found a t-shirt that belonged to Shadows and put it on before returning to the living room and sitting on the couch.

It was about 10 minutes later when room service got there and I leapt off the couch so I could go get what I ordered. Not long after that Vengeance got up and left and he looked none to happy. Gates followed a little while later and Shadows came back to the couch and sat down.

“What the hell are you eating?”

“An ice cream sundae, want some?”

“No. Thanks, but I do need to ask you something”

“Ok.” Great Vengeance fucking outed me and here comes the aftermath.

“Does the name Marco Montes mean anything to you?”

“No.” I lied.

“So, yesterday when you hid behind me at the casino, it had nothing to do with the man that approached me”

“No. Why are you asking me these questions?”

“Vengeance swears he saw you at The Makers Marc.”

“Vengeance is wrong, I’ve never been there, that’s impossible.”

“Never, not even once?” Why couldn’t he just take my word for it, damn it.

“Not even once.”

“That’s my t-shirt,” he pointed at the shirt I was wearing.

“mmm hmm and if you want it you’ll have to come and get it” I put a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and looked back at the television.

“As appealing as the thought is of ripping that shirt off of you, I have other business to attend to downstairs. I am going to trust that I can leave you alone up here. Mark my words, you won’t get passed the elevator if you try and leave.”


He leaned forward and put his hand on my hips before giving me one long lingering kiss.
When he left I set the ice cream down on the table and decided to go sit in the hot tub while he was gone.

After grabbing a towel, I walked out to the terrace that over looked the city and stripped out of Matt’s t-shirt and stepped into the hot tub. The contrast between the hot water and the cool air felt so good against my skin. From outside I never heard the elevator open and I never heard the footsteps approaching the terrace.

“Izzy?” I heard Christ call my name and couldn’t move fast enough to cover up. I turned my head and saw him standing there staring at the “M” branded on my shoulder before bringing his eyes up to meet mine. “The Makers Marc” he said and I grabbed for the towel to cover myself as I stood.

“I can explain…” I started to say, but he was already half way through the living room on his way down to the elevator. There was no doubt in my mind he was on his way to tell Shadows.

“Wait!” I yelled but I was too late, the elevator closed and shielded him from any further confrontation with me. If I wasn’t fucked before, I was now and there was no place for me to run.
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Next Chapter will be Matt's POV