We Come Out At Night

Chapter 7

Matt's POV

I sat in my office with Gates and Vengeance when Christ came barging in. The three of us turned our gazes to where he stood, and it looked as if he had something big to say.

“Something wrong with Isabella?” I had sent him up there to check on her given the fact that my business had taken longer than expected.

“Oh you bet something is wrong with your precious Isabella.”

I stood up out of my chair half expecting him to tell me that she got away. “What happened?”

“She was sitting in the hot tub and I guess she didn’t hear me coming. I don’t know how she managed to slip it past you, but she had The Maker’s Marc on her right shoulder.”

“I told you she was one of Marco’s girls!” Vengeance yelled at me, but I couldn’t get passed what Christ had just said.

“Are you sure?” I asked him and he nodded in response.

“She must have used something to hide it, like make up or something” Christ was still speaking, but I couldn’t get passed the betrayal I felt. It was happening all over again.

“Where is she now?”

“I left her upstairs.”

I turned to the cameras behind me and flicked on the one in the penthouse. Sure enough, there she was sitting on the couch fully dressed. She didn’t seem the slightest bit worried either. Something about this isn’t making sense to me.

“Go back up there and stand outside the door. If she tries to leave, do what you have to do to stop her.” Christ nodded and left the room and I turned my attention to Vengeance.

“Go ask around, see what you can find out about Isabella Falco.” He too nodded and left.

When it was just Gates and I left in the office, he got up and closed the door.

“That son of a bitch did it again. How could we be so fucking stupid?” I asked.

“I don’t know” he shook his head. “How do you want to handle it?”

“You know what to do,” I said and he nodded again and got up. He walked over to the metal cabinet that sat behind the door and unlocked it taking out his favorite gun. After slipping it in the waistband of his jeans, he walked out of the office and closed the door behind him.

I sat there at my desk with my head in my hands remembering how this all started. How Marco and I were once friends, great friends actually. That was until Kiera came along.

She walked into the casino one rainy night with her clothes soaked right through to her skin. Pretty little thing she was. I spotted her as soon as she walked in. She was down to her last 10 bucks and came into the casino in hopes of using it in the slot machines to win some extra cash, but she wasn’t so lucky.

I had walked over to her just as she was putting her last coin in the machine. I introduced myself and she seemed so innocent, and so intimidated by me, but I took my chances and asked her to come up to the penthouse to have a drink with me. She never left.

We sat up that night, all night just talking and by the morning, I had fallen hard for this girl like no other before her. I gave her everything she could ever want including my heart, but I had no idea that she was a plant. A plant that my so called friend sent into the casino to get me to like her so she could send back information to him and that she did. She told him every little one of my secrets, how the casino was run, how much money we took in every night and who our big spenders were.

Little by little, I started to notice that our regular clients had started frequenting The Maker’s Marc more and The Sidewinder less, but I never once for a second thought that my Kiera had anything to do with it. This went on for a good six months before the other guys started to get suspicious of her. I ignored every single one of them.

One night Kiera had been out and when she came home she had a new tattoo. It was an “M” that sat on her back in the corner of her right shoulder. She had told me that the “M” was for Matthew, but that was the biggest lie.

It was The Rev who brought it to my attention that there was money missing from the safe, so we set up cameras to catch who ever it was that was stealing from me. While I sat there watching her on the screen in front of me, I felt a sudden urge to vomit. Kiera was stealing from me. I didn’t understand why when I gave her everything she could ever want.

It was Zacky who brought it to my attention that she wasn’t the only one who had that tattoo on her shoulder. He had found out through a few of his girls that the “M” was the brand of The Maker’s Marc and that it was Marco’s way of letting everyone know who his girls were.

It was Gates who found Kiera in Marco’s bed. It only took one day for her to make me fall in love with her and it only took her six months to completely destroy me. She was all part of Marco’s plan. She never felt a damn thing for me, it was all a fraud.
On the day I found out she was sleeping with Marco, I confronted her and she laughed right in my face. I had Gates make sure she would never be able to show her face again in this town. When he got through with her, it would take more than just a plastic surgeon to help bring her face back to somewhat of the pretty state it once was. She stole from me and the price she had to pay was losing her beauty.

As for Marco, a friendship that once was, was no more. It had instead become a rivalry and more or less a competition between the two casinos. I changed everything about the place after Kiera. I had cameras set up everywhere and now whenever a new girl was brought to me, she would have to get past Gates first. Most importantly, no one would ever steal from me again.

Pretty fucking clever of the bastard, Marco to have Izzy steal my car though and have her drive it to the bar where The Rev and Christ hang out on occasion. Pretty fucking clever. She was going to pay and she was going to pay dearly with the one thing she despised the most. She was going to be a whore.

I could see Vengeance approaching the door from the camera I was looking at and I was surprised that he was back so fast. When he walked in I watched him sit down and waited for him to give me some answers.

“She isn’t one of Marco’s girls.”

“What?” Now it was I who was confused.

“She is Marco’s Girlas in his personal playmate.”

“You’re fucking kidding me.”

“I wish I was, dude.” he shook his head but there was something about this that still didn’t sound right to me.

“How could I not have put two and two together? I saw Marco at the gas station that night when I went in to pay for my gas. This doesn’t explain why she hid behind me last night when he was here though. Why wouldn’t she let him see her? FUCK! How could I let this happen again?”

“I wish I had an answer for you.”

“Get me Marco.” Vengeance nodded and left the office. About 20 minutes later Marco was sitting in front of me. I told him how I found out about his little plan and how his little girlfriend was sitting upstairs in my penthouse right now. He seemed pretty amused and for some reason seemed like he couldn’t wait to get Izzy back. Something about that didn’t sit well with me. He seemed to be taking this in stride. Right then and there he had a check cut for me for the damage that Izzy did to my car with the guarantee that we let bygones be bygones and I return Izzy to him by the morning. This was fine by me. The sooner she was gone, the better.