We Come Out At Night

Chapter 8


I sat on the couch trying to think of every excuse in the book knowing that what was coming was going to be bad. I couldn’t think of anything that was going to make this look any less bad. I had the Maker’s Marc and that in itself was just a bad omen for anyone who bore it. It was time to face the fact that I am truly fucked.

I had a feeling something was up when Gates walked through the doors of the elevator. I saw Christ standing out by the elevator and I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

“What are you up to, Izzy?” Gates said as he sat down on the couch beside me.

“Just watching television.”

“Anything interesting happen while you were alone?”

“No.” I shook my head knowing what he was getting at, but I was too afraid to answer. He nodded and I watched as he pulled a gun out from under his shirt and set it down on the table. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.

“You’re not afraid of a gun are you, Izzy?” He was toying with me and I was really beginning to wish he would get to the point and just get it over with.


“Good, because I like to play with guns. So does Shadows.” he noted.

Speak of the devil; I knew as soon as I heard the elevator bell that it was Shadows who had entered the suite. I felt his eyes upon me with each step he took towards me. He sat down on the coffee table in front of me and I kept my gaze towards the television.

“Well, Isabella I am a little surprised to see you dressed. I expected that we would continue where we left off last night when I came back.”

“I don’t really feel like it anymore.”

“mmm that’s too bad, because I liked you better with your shirt off. Didn’t you Gates?”

“Much better.” he agreed.

“Take it off, Isabella.” His voice was icy cold and I knew he knew about the tattoo and only wanted me to take off my shirt so he could see it.


“No? Gates what happens when someone says no to me?” Gates simply laughed and started playing with his gun.

“Take off the shirt, Isabella.”


“Gates.” he turned his gaze to his friend who inched his way closer to me. He gripped the hem of my shirt and looked at me as if to dare him to stop. I moved further away, but he yanked me back by the shirt. When I grabbed his hand and tried to pull it off the shirt, Shadows grabbed me.

“Do it.” he told Gates and while I struggled he ripped my shirt right down the middle and tore it off.

“Let go of me.” I screamed, but Shadows grabbed a handful of my hair so he could see for himself the tattoo that Christ told him I had on my shoulder.

“It’s true.” He looked at me with rage in his eyes. If I wasn’t afraid before, I was now. His hand hit my face with blunt force and knocked me back against the arm of the couch. “Get the car,” he told Gates who nodded and got up off the couch.

Shadows grabbed my arm and dragged me across the room to the elevator. I tried to pull away, but he held onto my arm even tighter. I didn’t know where he was taking me or what was to become my fate, but when we reached the car he shoved me inside and slammed the door.

The drive wasn’t very long at all. When the car stopped I looked out the window and saw The Maker’s Marc outside. The panic in me set in instantly as I saw Marco step outside and approach the vehicle. Shadows got out of the car and opened my door. I tried to move back when he reached for me, but it was no use. He grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the car.

“Well, Isabella, it’s good to have you home.” Marco’s voice made my stomach turn.

“A rightful whore this one will make. She will bring you a nice chunk of change.” Shadows said shoving me into the waiting arms of Marco.

“For once, old friend, I am inclined to agree.”Marco said and Shadows nodded and got back into the car. When they drove off I knew the hell I had before with Marco was nothing compared to what I was about to face.

“Move.” Marco spoke as he dragged me by the arm through the casino up to his suite.

Once inside he shoved me so hard I fell to the floor. “Did you think you could get away from me, Izzy?” I didn’t get up, but I did back away from him as he came closer. “You can’t get away.” He grabbed my hair and struck me across the face as hard as he could. That was the last thing I remember before blacking out.


A week had passed since Shadows handed Izzy over to Marco. It was business as usual at The Sidewinder and Vengeance as usual had kept a close eye on the competition. He had expected to hear news of a new girl in the rotation over at The Maker’s Marc, but the girl he had on the inside came up with no information. No one had seen or heard from Isabella since the night she left The Sidewinder.

Shadows had taken to himself and only came out of his suite when it was necessary. He’d been played for a fool not once, but twice and it wasn’t sitting well with him. While in his suite he surrounded himself with other girls with the hopes of taking his mind off of the fact that he had been taken once again.

Meanwhile on this night Gates had made his way over to The Maker’s Marc to see himself if Marco was sticking to his word and letting the bygones be bygones.

He sat in the lounge at the bar having a drink taking in his surroundings. There were girls, but nothing like the ones at The Sidewinder. Marco’s girls paled in comparison to the ones that Vengeance brought in which was proof that Vengeance was doing his job and well at that. When he saw Marco sitting with a girl who wasn’t Izzy, Gates had wondered why. He’d wondered why she wasn’t the one sitting with him, laughing with him and hanging all over him like he was God’s gift. She was his girl after all. So, where was she?

Having seen enough he got up and left making his way back to The Sidewinder in under 10 minutes time. When he reached the lounge he immediately went to Vengeance.

“So, no new girls for me?” he asked as he scanned the room


“Not one?”

“If you’re asking about Izzy, no one has seen her” Gates didn’t ask anything further, but he still found it odd that Izzy just disappeared.

As for Izzy, the fate she had suffered made her wish she were dead. Marco had hit her with everything that was within his grasp that night, everything from an ashtray to a fireplace poker. The black and blue bruises were now starting to turn yellow and she was able to open her eyes after them having been swollen shut. Right now she was being groomed to work in Marco’s brothel and in one week’s time, she would be making her debut.