We Come Out At Night

Chapter 9

In a dream, I felt him. His hot mouth moving up my thigh so his tongue could take me to a place I’d never been. It’s a wonder how a dream could feel so good, so real. His hands, those firm, yet gentle hands caressed my sides softly as his lips moved up my stomach. I could only wish that this could last forever. Feeling his lips finally reach my neck; I moved my hips slowly with his not wanting to rush him this time. God, this feels so real. “I missed you.” I couldn’t help let the words slip past my lips just before he kissed me.

“I missed you too, Izzy.” I opened my eyes as soon as I heard his voice. This wasn’t a dream and it wasn’t Shadows staring back at me it was Marco.

“Get off me.” I tried to push him off, but it was no use, he was stronger and continued moving himself inside me until he found the pleasure he was seeking. After he finally did get off me, I turned over onto my side and pulled the sheet up over me. I never felt as ashamed as I did right now. “You’re a bastard,” I whispered through tears.

He moved closer to me and leaned his face over my ear. “I may be a bastard, Izzy, I can always change that, but you… once you’re a whore, you’ll always be a whore. MY whore.” his lips touched my shoulder one last time before he got up out of the bed. I didn’t let the tears fall until I heard the bathroom door close behind him.

I was never going to get away from this man no matter how hard I tried.

Vengeance’s POV

“Hey beautiful.” I smiled at Sammy when she walked over and sat on the stool beside me.

“I can’t stay long, I’m sorry.” She frowned at me and her disappointment showed all over her face. She was my inside girl, which meant that even though she bore The Maker’s Marc on her shoulder, she still belonged to me. It was Shadows and Gates way of getting even with Marco for the Kiera incident.

Sammy was truly a living doll with beautiful blue eyes and light brown curly hair. Shy and somewhat innocent when I first met her, but she came around eventually. When Shadows and I had approached her with the idea of working for Marco she was terrified at first, but we managed to convince her that it was in her best interest to comply.

“What do you got for me?” I asked her not wanting to keep her any longer then necessary.

“Well, I saw Isabella.” She looked at me with a pained expression. “It’s bad.”

“How so?”

Sammy sighed before she continued. “She was beat up really bad. Marco cut her on the right side of her face from the corner of her mouth up her cheek. I heard him say that it was so if she ever thought of running away again, she’ll never forget who she belonged to.”

“Anything else?”

“Yeah” she nodded. “He’s putting her in the rotation tomorrow night”

“You’re sure?”

“Positive. I’m sorry, Zack, but I have to get back.”

“It’s ok, sweetheart. Thanks for the info.” I kissed her cheek and watched her walk away.

Shadows had been sitting down at the other end of the bar pretending to look over the books, but I knew he was listening to everything.

“What did you find out?” I glanced over at Gates as he walked over and took Sammy’s place on the stool beside me.

“She’s alive, but recovering. From what I heard Marco did quite a number on her for running away.

“Running away? What the fuck do you mean running away?” Apparently I was the only one who was privy to the actual reality of how Marco treated his girls. I suppose it was the only down side to my job. I’d seen everything from broken arms to broken jaws and what he did to Izzy doesn’t surprise me.

“Apparently, the night she stole Matt’s car she did it to get away from Marco.”

“And you are buying this story?”

“Yeah” I nodded. Sammy wouldn’t lie to me; she was in love with me. “There’s more”


“There’s a new girl starting at The Maker’s Marc tomorrow.”


I picked up my drink and nodded before taking a sip and setting it back down on the bar. “Are you buying it now?” I asked handing his own words right back to him.

Marco had the nerve to sit in front of Shadows in his office and never once denied it when Matt accused him of sending Izzy in as a plant. He simply cut a check and told Matt to bring Izzy back and they’d forget the whole thing ever happened. What fucking fools we were and I thought Shadows was an evil motherfucker, Marco just surpassed him.

Sure there were times when we hurt people, but only because they deserved it. Never once did we ever inflict pain on someone who didn’t deserve it…until Izzy.

“Yeah, well what’s done is done. There’s nothing you can do about it now” Gates said and I wondered if that was true, if there was nothing we could do about it or maybe I should just turn a blind eye and pretend not to care. Hell if Shadows didn’t care, why should I?

“I think I’m going to call it a night” Gates set his drink down on the bar and walked away without another word.

I turned around and looked down at the other end of the bar at Shadows. I knew he’d heard every word; I’m not stupid by any means. I saw the way he looked at Izzy, the way he touched her and the way he put his arm around her to make sure everyone else knew she was off limits. I’d only seen him act that way once before and that was with Kiera.

When Kiera was gone, he swore he would never trust another girl ever again. I guess it’s safe to say, he sticks to his word, only this time he made a mistake and all because of one little tattoo. I’m not a superhero, but I know when something isn’t right and if anyone could get Izzy out of the situation she was in, it was me. The only question is, is it worth it? What would follow if I did get her out of there would surely be a war between Marco and Shadows.