Status: completed


Ashes to Ashes

Seth calls me around four or five in the morning and asks me if I want to hang out.

"What do you want?" I ask him.

He's quiet for a few moments and then he sighs. "I just wanna talk to someone and you're the only person I could think of that won't be a complete dick."

I think about saying yes, but then I remember that he thinks I'm gay. "Uh... you just want to talk right? Nothing else?"

He says yes.

"Okay." I pause "I'll hang, but I want to make a stop first."


Seth comes to pick me up and when I get into the car he asks me what I need to do.

"I want to go see Rachel."

He looks at me weird and asks me if I realize that she is dead and her ashes are in her parents living room.

"How did you know that?" I ask.

"I'm their pool boy," he explains as he starts up the car. "They invited me inside for lemonade the other day and I was just standing around while her mother went on and on about how Rachel was such a good person and crap like that."

I didn't really care about what Rachel's mom was going on and on about. I just wanted to know how he knew about her ashes.

"Well... I just want to get over there and take some of her ashes."

Seth nearly stopped the car. "What? That's fucking nuts, man!"

I don't say anything. I just let him drive because there isn't anything to say about it.

We pull up in front of the house a few minutes later. Her father is off at work and her mom is probably knocked out after a long night of drinking.

I tell Seth to stay in the car. I'll be back in a minute.

Rachel's parents kept a spare key under the flower pot on the front porch. Rachel told me that when we dated in high school. I used to sneak in to go see her all the time. Now wasn't all that different.

Except Rachel is dead and I'm stealing her ashes.

I pick up the key and unlock the door. When I'm inside I look around the living room. It isn't much different except everything feels sad. Like nobody has laughed in this room for months.

I sit down on the couch and try to picture myself sitting here until her mother wakes up. I try to imagine asking her if I can take her daughter's ashes so I can sprinkle them around the city.

I can already see myself being escorted out by the police.

I stand up and walk towards the mantle. My hands find the urn and I lift the top. MY eyes wander inside and pretty soon I'm looking right at Rachel.

I take a seat on the carpet and before I can stop myself I'm crying and my tears land on whatever is left of my ex-girlfriend.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath.

What feels like months later, I'm putting the urn back on the mantle and leaving Rachel with her parents because I can't see myself stealing my ex's remains from her parent's living room.

I wipe my eyes on my way out the front door and climb back into Seth's car.

"What the- were you crying?" He asks.

I ignore the question and stare out the window. "Take me home."

"Dude, I thought we were going to hang out."

I find it hard to believe that I agreed to go out with an asshole like Seth. Some guy I barely know and never even gave my phone number to.

"How did you call me earlier?" I ask. "I never gave you my number."

"Tommy used my phone to call you one time. I saved it."

I shake my head and get out of the car, leaving Seth in Rachel's drive way.