Status: completed


Dance With Me

When we were together things were easy with Rachel. We fought sometimes, just like every other couple on the planet, but we were always easy. Rachel and I fit the way nobody else did. She got me and she didn't ask questions when I didn't feel like talking or when I just wanted to tell her that I loved her. She just said she loved me back, and that was the way things worked. That was how we were happy.

Like that time I took her to prom and we all got drunk before stumbling into the school gym and Tommy punched some guy in the face for sleeping with his little cousin, Amber, who was only in the ninth grade at the time. I never liked Amber anyways, but it didn't matter. She was Tommy's cousin and you have to stand up for your family.

Rachel and I were sitting at one of the tables though. She was leaning towards me on her elbows and she had this smile on her face that let me know she was really truly happy. Like she didn't want to be anywhere in the world, but at our crappy high school prom with me.

"I love you," I said, reaching over and tucking some hair behind her ear.

Rachel leaned forwards and pressed a quick kiss to my lips, pressing her palm to the side of my face. It felt warm and right against my face.

"I love you too, Zachary."

For a while we sat there and watched everyone dance and drink punch and sneak cigarettes into the girls bathroom. We saw guys try to get a little dance floor action with their dates and we saw people standing against the wall because frankly, they couldn't dance.

"Dance with me, Zach," Rachel said.

I shook my head, a smile finding its way onto my face. "You know I don't dance, babe," I reminded her.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat. I shuffled towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist. We fit perfectly together; like I wasn't supposed to hold anyone else in the world.

I kissed the top of her head. "C'mon, Rachel. You know I can't dance. I'm gonna go out there and look like a fool. You look beautiful though, did I tell you yet?"

Rachel playfully slapped my arm, laughing a little as she did so. "You're not getting away that easy, Zach. It's prom. I want to dance."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine," I said taking her hand and leading her onto the dance floor. I heard Rachel say something about me being such a push over, but I chose not to say anything back because I knew I wasn't going to win. For Rachel, I'd do anything.

I stood with my hands in my pockets while Rachel danced to some song I'd never heard before. The guy was rapping about something along the lines of taking some girl back to a hotel and doing things everyone was probably going to be doing by midnight.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked.

I grinned. "You said you wanted to dance."

"Dance with me. We look stupid," she whined, looking up at me. Her tone screamed annoyance, but her eyes said otherwise.

I leaned down, placing one hand at the small of her back and kissed her.

"Don't we always?"

She didn't say anything else because she didn't have to.