The Story of Benjamin Dale

His First Diner in 13 years.

(The pocket watch)

Nathaniel walked downstairs slowly, taking in the whole house, it was large, and nice, all white, and marble. Nathaniel’s Grandfather’s pocket watch was in his pocket, he checked the time of the expensive watch, it was 6:30 pm. He was dressed nicely, on his way to his first family diner in thirteen years. He smelled the mouthwatering scent of the food, it almost made his mouth water, he hasn’t smelled food like this…ever.

“Nate?” Carmen called from in the kitchen.

“Yes?” he asked, advancing down the stairs at a faster pace, he had brushed his hair, so it looked nice now. It was brushed, parted in the middle, looking acceptable at least.

“It is time for dinner” she said, and he approached the dinner table, it was set with silver goblets, and glass plates, he marveled at the setting, and he looked at Mrs. Hardaway.

“Mrs. Hardaway?” he asked, she looked up, “Dear, Nate, I am no longer Mrs., I am only Ms.” She smiled and he looked at his feet again, “Right, sorry” he muttered.

“What is it you wanted to ask?” she asked kindly.

“Err…I just wanted to say thank you, for letting me come here.” He whispered, still looking at his feet, “It is a pleasure to have you here Nate.

Carmen led him to the table and told him to sit down, and she sat next to him. The food came out then, and there was so much, chicken, turkey, peas, all kinds of fruits and vegetables, and juice was in the goblets.

Nathaniel looked at it with wide eyes, and a watering mouth.

“It looks like you have never had food before” Ms. Hardaway said smiling.

“I almost haven’t, ma’am” he muttered, “Thank you, Ms. Hardaway.” He said, looking at her with his wide green eyes.

“Please call me Alison” she said, “and no need to call me ma’am” she added, but he shook his head, “I’m sorry ma’am,” he whispered, “It’s just, if I was ever rude to my Mother, then…she would hurt me” he whispered.

Alison gasped, “What would she do?” she asked.

“Well, I do not wish to spoil your appetite,” he muttered.

“Tell me, Nate” she insisted.

“Have you ever read “A Child Called It”? he asked.


“Then you know of the chemicals in the bathroom?”

“Yes…” she gasped “Did your mother do that to you?”

“Yes” he nodded, then looked at the food, still sitting there.

“You need to eat!” she said, passing some meat to him, he took a few pieces of chicken and turkey, then a few of everything else.

Carmen looked at him, her hazel eyes sparkled with life, Nate ate small bites, not wanting to look like a pig, for a while all they could hear was the scraping of forks and knives on glass.

Carmen broke the silence, “Your cat is beautiful” she said with a little awe.

“Yes, Adel is wonderful” Nathaniel said after he swallowed his food, “She will steal your pillow though” he added and they all laughed. For once, he felt loved, and wanted, he liked that feeling, a lot.
♠ ♠ ♠
His first dinner in a long time!