Status: I can't update till my computers fixed

The Rev's a daddy

Sad day for mommy, confusing day for daddy.

The mother's pov

I walked off the plane holding my daughter and carrying her carry-on bag on my back. Today is gonna be a big day for her and her father because there going to see each other for the first time and it may be my last time seeing both of them.

I walk out of the airport with my daughter still sound asleep in my arms and got into a taxi and headed to my destination.

As I look at the surrounding area I noticed nothing really changed since I left five years ago. The side walks were still cracked and crowded with people going to work. The stores were still crowded with shoppers buying things for there loved ones and the parks were still crowded with little kids playing.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the taxi had stopped till the driver asked me if I was OK, I just nodded and got out and told the driver I'd be right back.

I carried my daughter up to the front door of the house and knocked. I waited patiently for the front door to open and reveal the man who used to hold my heart in his hands.

When the front door opened, it revealed a very tall and tired mad, but that quickly changed to a very tall and confused man.

"Leanna, I thought you left and were never coming back and who's she" He asked.

I frowned at him and shifted my daughter to my other arm. "I'm not staying Jimmy and this is Holly, she's your daughter" I told him.

"What do you mean" Jimmy asked as he stepped onto the porch with me and closed the door to his house.

I sighed in frustration. "This is your daughter and I only have a short amount of time left".

"How do I know she's even my daughter and what do you mean a short amount of time" Jimmy asked getting frustrated.

"I only had sex with the person I married, that's how and I'm dieing"

I could tell I struck a nerve of his because he started to grind his teeth back and forth.

"I was fucking drunk and it was only one time" Jimmy said and clenched his fists. I could tell he was trying to keep his voice low, so that he wouldn't wake up the sleeping toddler that was in my arms.

"It was twice and I have to go" I said and handed him our daughter and her carry-on luggage and ran to the waiting taxi.

As the taxi started to pull away from the house I looked out the window and watched as Jimmy held our sleeping daughter in his arms and smiled as he held her close to him as he entered his house and closed the door.

That was the last time I saw my daughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter, but at least it got me to where I want it to be.

please leave me a comment.