Status: I can't update till my computers fixed

The Rev's a daddy

Your not ***ing little girls, are you

Holly's pov

I don't remember very much, all I remember is that momma woke me up really early and we went on a plane ride,then I fell asleep.

I yawned and stretched my arms out. I opened my eyes and what I saw was kinda scary. I was in a big room on a bed by myself.

"Mommy" I asked, not sure if I'm allowed to use my outdoor voice as I clime out of the huge bed.

As I tried to get off the bed I noticed only my tippy toes could touch the floor. I let go of the sheet and almost fell over as my feet touched the floor.

"Momma where are you" I asked again as I looked around the huge room.

The walls were a dark blue color and the bed was black and white with pretty designs on it.

I slowly made my way over to a door on the right side of the room and open it. I look both ways before walking to the right.

As I neared the end of the hall I started to hear a few different voices. I slowly sneaked down a few stairs and looked into what I'm guessing the living room.

Five very scary men were sitting around the room, a funny black bottle was sitting on a coffee table in front of them.

"So what's the problem you need us all to come here for" asked a really strong looking guy.

I took another step down the stairs and flinched as it squeaked. One of the men looked my way. His green eyes locked with mine and he raised an eye brow at me.

"Your not fucking little girls, are you" the green eyed man asked as he looked away from me and looked at a guy who looked like a giant.

All the other guys looked at him and burst out laughing.

"Where did you get such an idea like that" asked a guy with a funny looking hat.

"Zacky, I think you drank too much, there are no little girls here" said a guy with black and white hair.

"Um yeah there is" the guy I'm guessing is Zacky said and pointed at me.

As all the scary guys turned there heads to look at me. I looked back at them, to scared to even move.

"Dude your not fucking her are you" asked the guy wearing a hat.

After the guy wearing the hat asked that question he got smacked in the back of the head by the really tall looking guy.

"Stop swearing and no I'm not. She's-she's my daughter" the tall guy said as he ran a hand over his face.

Being confused I just tilted my head to the side and waited for an explanation from someone.
♠ ♠ ♠
living room
black bottle

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did you guys know Jack Daniels make fudge too.
