Status: I can't update till my computers fixed

The Rev's a daddy


Holly's pov

Being confused I just tilted my head to the side and waited for an explanation from someone.

I watched as the very tall man sighed again and looked up at me.

"Where do I start" asked the really tall guy with longish black hair,

"Just start with how she got here then go from there" the one known as Zacky said as he turned his head to look at me.

the tallest man sighed then nodded."I woke up at like seven because someone was knocking at the front door. When I opened it , Leanna was standing there holding a sleeping toddler, who I now know as my daughter, Holly. We started to talk/ argue and she said something about her dieing then she handed me our daughter, got into a cab and left" he explained.

"So where's momma now" I asked for the first time, but instantly regretted it when all the tall scary men turned there heads to look at me.

They all looked at me with sympathy.

when no one answered my question I started to feel tears starting to form in my eyes, my bottom lip started to shake. I sniffed as my nose started to get stuffy and I started to rub my eyes as my sight started to get blurry.

I heard someone sigh then I heard heavy foot steps of someone walking my way. They put there hands under my arms and picked me up.

I sobbed into there chest as they carried me up the steps.

"Shh, it's going to be alright" I heard the person say softly into my ear and started to rub soothing circles on my back.

"I-I w-w-won't my mommy" I sobbed out, but somehow the man heard me.

"I know baby girl and I'll do my best to find her, I promise" the man said. I looked up at the man and was met with blue eyes that resembled mine. "You pwomise" I asked and stuck out my pinkie.

The man smiled at me and twisted his pinkie with mine, "I promise".
♠ ♠ ♠
When Holly says Promise I purposly spelled it pwomise because she's still young and still misspells.pronounces words.

Please leave me a comment. (Sorry for the shortness)
