Status: I can't update till my computers fixed

The Rev's a daddy

I like the guy with the white and black hair

Holly's pov

After I heard the guy with the funny voice tell everyone I'm four I got angry.

"Hey" I said and turned around and did my best to glare at the man with the funny voice, "I'm four and three months, thank you very much" I said and made my best angry face.

"Oh, um, Sorry" the man said sounding unsure.

I did a quick nod of my head before laying my head back on my daddy's shoulder.

"Well it's getting late" said the guy with the white and black hair said and stood up, fallowed by the rest of the guys.

"Yeah we better be going, see ya Jimmy" said the guy with the funny voice.

The rest of the guy's said good bye and left, leaving me and my daddy alone in the house.

"I like the guy with the white and black hair" I randomly said and moved so that I was sitting next to my daddy instead of on his lap.

Daddy laughed, "Why do you like him" daddy asked me.

"Because he's not as tall as the rest of guy's who were here" I told him in a matter-o-faculty tone.

"Oh, I thought it was because he had cool hair" daddy said with a light chuckle.

"That too" I agreed and nodded my head.

"Are you hungry" daddy asked suddenly changing the subject.

I nodded and followed my daddy when he stood up and started to walk into another room.

"What do you want? we have fruit, left over pizza, or left over spaghetti" said naming things out of the fridge.

"Um, can I just have cereal" I asked daddy and gave him my best puppy dog eyes I could muster.

I could see that daddy was trying to not smile,but failed miserably. "Sure" daddy said then picked me up and sat me down at the kitchen table and a few minutes later sat a bowl of cocoa puffs.

"Tank you" I said then started to eat my cereal.

"Your welcome"
♠ ♠ ♠
Holly's middle name isn't Jamie. But it does have something to with Jimmy, so keep guessing.

Thing's will get better in the next chapter.