I Just Had to Lick the Cookie, Didn't I?


I am covered in skin,
No one gets to come in,
Pull me out from inside,
I am folded, and unfolded, and unfolding:
I am colorblind

Milo placed the tray on the table and sat across from me. I stared at the table, finding pictures in the design. A plate of steaming French toast sticks was placed in front of me. My stomach begged for me to eat them, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Adriaan, I need you to eat," Milo pleaded. I didn't move. His phone went off and he sighed before answering. "Hello?" There was a pause. "She just needs to eat first. See you in a few." With that he closed the phone. "Look, we need to go back to see our parents. They need to talk to...you." He had struggled with the last part, as if confused. Although his voice had been soft, kind, gentle, I continued not to move.

"I can't go back there," my voice managed.

"It won't be for long, then I can take you home, but right now you need to eat." I sighed, giving in to him and my stomach.

"That wasn't very good," I whispered in the elevator. Those French toast sticks were...revolting. Yuck.

"I have to agree." I could hear the small smile in his voice. The elevator came to a stop and we walked to our right. Milo had a few steps in front of me, but as we neared closer I caught up and grabbed his hand. His fingers wrapped around mine and he squeezed my cold limb reassuringly. Now, we were at the door.

"Annie, it would be best if you sat," my father advised. I sat in one of two unoccupied chairs, Milo sat in the other.

"Baby," my mother whimpered through her tears, scooting her own chair closer. Faith's body was taken down to the hospital morgue, so I knew she was speaking to me. "Annie, baby, daddy and I..." she paused, "daddy and I are going home." I still wasn't looking at them, any of them. My eyes focused on the floor tiles, and honestly I don't find the fact they're going home so important. Even Milo seemed confused. So, doing what we teenagers do best, I shrugged. "Anabell, we're going homehome, back to New York." I looked up at her makeup stained face. Her green eyes gave it all away, they were leaving me.

"What about me?" I asked softly, hardly managing to speak at all. My mother whimpered again and my dad knelt down beside her, looking me in the eyes; or at least trying.

"Princess," oh boy; first they're using all of my old nicknames, now my dad is using princess. That name went to Faith when she was born. "Mr. Boone offered me a chance to run my own part of the firm back home. Your mother and I agree that this would be good for us." Again, for the zillionth time in my life, they're thinking only of themselves. What about me? What's good for me? Where do I go? Who am I going to be with? My eyes are burning with questions.

"Annie, honey, I know this is going to sound harsh, and cruel, but it's something we all agreed on. It should make you both happy." If I wasn't upset and practically dead right now, and actually processed everything correctly, I probably would be gaping at them. All the same: What the fuck did they do?! "Sweetheart, we've arranged for you to marry Logan." Excuse me; I don't believe I heard her right.

"Pardon me?" Milo asked.

"We'll talk about this at home Logan," his father declared.

"Sweetie, we've all noticed how you two get along. He makes you smile," she whispered the last part in amazement. That simple fact, his talent to make me happy, had amazed me too. But don't get me wrong, it didn't mean I was ready to leap into his arms and get married. Seriously. I'm sixteen, almost seventeen, what has this world come to?

There was a knock at the door. We all looked to see the doctor walk in again.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ryker, I need to speak with you." My parents nodded and stood.

"We'll call you later. Bye sweetie," my mom kissed my forehead and they both followed the doctor out. I knew within two minutes my mom would be blubbering again, but she held herself together for me, that one action made my heart ache.

"Logan, go with your father, I'll take Adriaan home," Mrs. Boone ordered kindly. The two men left and Caroline offered her hand, which I did not take.

We made it to the car in silence, but once the engine was started I had no such luck.

"I know this must be hard for you, dear." Hard isn't the word. "Your parents love you very much, as William and I love Logan. You see, you both are alike. Logan is my precious. He always listens, always behaves. Never once has he upset me, until a few years ago. Maelogan graduated high school at sixteen. William and I are very proud. We obviously expected him to become a lawyer and take over the firm, and the estate, but that isn't what he wanted. In three more months Logan will be a doctor. This upset us. As cruel as it sounds, William and I don't want Cadan to take over the firm. Cadan is bright boy, and very serious, but not nearly as intelligent as his brother. Their father and I are saddened to see our legacy be passed down to Cadan, although he may be the eldest." She sighed and I continued to watch the trees fly by.

"Now, enough about my sons; let us talk about you." I'm leaping for joy. "Your parents told William and I what happened, I am very sorry. You should know that they don't blame you, your mother blames herself. Anyhow, Adriaan, you make my son happy. I know it sounds cliché and cheesy, but it's so true. And I know -from what your mother has told me- that my son makes youhappy. We all realize this alone isn't reason enough to have you marry each other, but there is of course more." Of course, note eye roll... "Maelogan has never had much success with girls and happiness. I know he's kissed them and...and...touched...them, but they've never made him happy. I also know that you've experienced young men and had the same result. Neither of you get out much either. Those reasons made us all realize that you both might have ended up old and alone. We didn't want that." Oh, most definitely. I agree wholeheartedly with your decision. (Again, note sarcasm and eye roll.) "Adriaan, my family is going to be in society no matter what, and William and I need for things to go well. You're a smart girl, I know you'll realize this all, but we also want you to be happy. Don't just do this for us, do it for you...please." How sad, poor little rich people need to look good for the- WHAT?! Society? Her family? Them?

"Huh?" I asked dumbly. What the fuck is happening right now?

"Sweetie," she laughed, "don't you realize who we are?" Caroline asked it like it was the most obvious thing, which it wasn't.

"No," I stated boldly.

"Adriaan, we are the Boones. Senator Boone, Andrew Boone, the actor..." she listed trying to jog my memory. I had nothing. She laughed again. "And I'm Caroline, my maiden name being Vairenn, as in Vairenn Acres, Vairenn Estates, Vairenn Hills, Vairenn Air, Vairenn Place and The Vairenn." Oh yea! The Vairenns. Definitely remember now... About that... I've got nothing. Caroline laughed again. "Oh dear, I see you really have no idea. Well, William has a brother, Senator Whitmore Boone. Their grandfather was a Prime Minister of Canada. The family inheritance went to William, seeing as he's the oldest. Whitmore got a share, but it was all money. William received the national law firm: Roger and Sweeton Attorneys, the world wide banking company: AMCO, one of Hollywood's most successful agencies: Marko Chateau, the Hotel Esor chain, and one of the world's finest equine establishments: Trenton Flare. I believe there's more, but you'll have to speak with William, I sometimes forget. Speaking of whom, when we get back he's going to speak with both Logan and you."
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