I Just Had to Lick the Cookie, Didn't I?

Black Dog

I gotta roll, cant stand still,
Got a flame in my heart, can't get my fill,
Eyes that shine burning red,
Dreams of you all through my head

Milo's POV

I slammed my door and grumbled deep in my throat. The Rykers' house was a quaint place, but it honestly didn't help my attitude. Adriaan moved gracefully to the front door, and I kept my feet planted to the gravel beneath them. As soon as she was in the house I whipped my cell out of my pocket and called my mother.

The phone was pressed hard to my face. With strength like mine, built up anger isn't a good thing. Too bad I haven't been able to do anything about it for four months...

"Maelogan Madden Boone, how dare you raise your voice to your father!" she screamed into the phone. That just about got me to snap my poor phone in half.

"What?! Don't blame this on me! He's the asshole that gave Adriaan a month to mourn her sister! He has absolutely no right t-"

"He has any right he wants!" she cut me off. If that's all she has as an argument, she'll lose the battle. I am defiantly not giving up that easy.

"How can you take his side?" I said more calmly, attempting to incorporate the breathing techniques I learned in an anger clinic.

"Logan, your father knows what's best. We don't need the media asking questions about her. If they're suspicious, they'll dig and use it against her. She couldn't handle that, she's too...fragile. If anything, a month is too long. Adriaan will just bottle it up, I'm sure. Now, save this for another time. We're about to get on the plane now. Jane and Charlie are with your brother. The Rykers won't be home again. Some movers are coming tomorrow to take everything, except anything Adriaan wants." I took a breath and exhaled in a calming manner. My father was saying something in the background and it took all of my self control to stay composed. "Well, honey, I love you. Remember to take care of her. You'll have to stay with her at all times."

"Yes mother," I replied shortly.

"We'll be home as soon as possible. Goodbye." She hung up. What were they doing anyway? She said they were boarding a plane...

Something was rubbing my leg. I looked down to see Fox nuzzling my limb, with his tail waving rapidly. As I looked up from him I caught sight of Adriaan. She was just standing there while Leo ran around like a puppy; which he was.

Deciding that if I ever wanted this to work I'd have to make some sort of effort, I walked over to her. Fox ran off to Leo and they both took off to somewhere.

"Is Mac and Cheese good for dinner?" I asked once I was at her side. She gave a small laugh, which I thought was odd.

"Is that all you can come up with?" she asked incredulously. I shifted and shoved my hands into my pockets.

"Umm," was all I got out. What did I do wrong? I'm seriously pathetic, aren't I?

"If you want to make it, be my guest." With that she left me standing like a fool. The door closed from somewhere behind me and the dogs came running. They were playing like all dogs do. It's cute for a while, then it's just obnoxious.

"Go lay down," I ordered the dogs. As they ran off to somewhere in the house, I closed the door and slipped off my shoes. If I'm going to be here for a while, I might as well be comfortable.

Making my way into the kitchen, I heard music from upstairs. I chuckled to myself when I realized it was some good old Led Zeppelin. The cupboards miraculously held some Mac and Cheese. Frankly, I was a little shocked. Gabrielle hadn't seemed like the type to own any.

While the water was boiling, I had gone to get my bag from the car. Now I was writing some of my thirty page essay. Dr. Healfdene decided to give us a creative writing assignment. First of all, I'm in medical school to be a doctor, not write seven thousand word stories about a man experiencing the miracle of birth. Honestly, I had been praying not to get this topic, but go figure.

"You spelled that wrong." There was finger pointing at the word 'Mittelschmerz'. I had switched the e and l around.

"Thanks. How do you know how to spell that?" I asked. No normal person knows that word. Even I hadn't heard of it until last class.

"Internet." Her finger left the paper. I quickly fixed the spelling and turned around. Adriaan was at the fridge. When she closed the door she had a Vitamin Water in her hand. The orange kind if you must know, which also happens to be my favorite.

I stood up and walked over to her, snatching the bottle from her right before she took a sip. This was payback. She watched in horror as I gulped down half of the bottle.

"Hey, that's my favorite," she whined. Ha! Now she knows how I felt... I shrugged and handed her the nearly empty bottle.

I added the cheese to the noodles, milk, and butter. Once it was all mixed I poured half into a bowl and the other half into another bowl. Adriaan was still standing in the same place, so I brought both bowls to the table. Right after my butt was in the chair something hit my head and fell to the floor. I turned around to see Adriaan grinning with laughter. Her empty bottle of Vitamin Water was on the floor.

She threw it at me!
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