I Just Had to Lick the Cookie, Didn't I?

Fire Away

Stand on the ground
And get out of this weather
It's something I know you need
And what makes it alright
Doesn't make it all better
What slips through our hands, we keep

"You owe me more than ten cookies for that one, bub," I stated as we rode the elevator back up to Andrew's floor.

To fill you in, Milo kissed me. Not one of those 'oh, and then we just knew we were in love!' kisses, but more of a friendly, slightlyromantic kiss in a way that was real to the public, and meaningless to us. So, he owes me twelve cookies. Which really only comes out to be two considering I owe him ten...

"Hey, I had to prove it somehow. They would have never left us alone. It isn't like I was making you feel uncomfortable, it didn't mean anything." I looked at him and sighed.

"I know... It's just so weird. I can't believe---"

"That we're getting married. I know how you feel. Honestly, I didn't even know arranged marriages were still legal. We can't complain though, it could be worse. Well, we could be worse... Or---I mean---just---"

"I get it. You're right though, you could be marrying some hopeless shallow hoe that would cheat on you and you'd never know if your children were even yours..." I sighed dramatically. He turned to me slowly, narrowing his eyes.

"That wasn't funny. It could have happened. And you know, you could be marrying some fat ugly ass that has no future. So, I don't really want to hear this."

"Actually, that would be impossible," I raised my pointer finger like a nerd proving a point. "I would be the old lady with all of the birds and cats and other funky critters, not the one with the wacko husband." Milo laughed.

"I can see that... However, you're lucky and get to marry me, the spectacular doctor that was nominated for sexiest male of the year by Teen Touch and made you the enemy of thousands of girls world-wide." He struck a new pose every few words.

"Oh, aren't I just so excited," I said flatly. He scoffed.

"You know it's true. I have more talents than you'll ever know." I'm going to take this opportunity to find out more about Mr. Boone, here. After all, we do have thirteen floors to go...

"Hey, Milo?" I asked sweetly, turning to him with a smile on my face. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" he asked carefully.

"Can you play the piano?" I inquired. He stared at me for a second before answering.

"What if I say yes?" he asked inquisitively. I smiled devilishly and move closer to him, grabbing his hands.

"If you say yes," I stand on my tip-toes and whisper in his ear, "I'll seriously go on national television and tell them that we have sex every night. And, I'll make that statement true." He coughs.

"Are you serious?" he asks, laughing.

"Yep," I answer shortly in his ear. He chuckles.


"For some reason I find any man that can play the piano attractive on just about every level of attractiveness. So, since you're already pretty phenomenal, I figure if you can play the piano I'll forget about you suggesting I was an anorexic bitch and let you have that happy family you're dreaming of." Strangely enough, that's all true. I've always had this thing for a guy that can play the piano. Not the guitar, not the drums, no singing, just the piano. Pianists are so...

"Adriaan, bring that offer up again in a few months and I'll consider." I smiled and step back, releasing his hands.

"Well, I won't be any more beautiful then than I am now, silly!" I laugh and smack his arm playfully. He smiles.

"I know, but this whole thing needs to be not-so-awkward before I'll consider any additional activities other than our deranged conversations and comfortable-ness getting changed in front of one another." We both smile. I hadbeen joking about that whole television announcement thing, but the piano playing thing, not so much. "However, when we're ready for that next step, we'll just go ahead, okay?" he asks, kidding. I smile and link my arm in his as the elevator doors open.

"Anything for you dear."

"Bye Andrew," Milo said as we rolled our suitcases to the entrance of the airport. We're officially on our way to Rochester. Ain't life just dandy?

"I'm just going to warn you now that my whole family is retarded and I'm almost positive that they all hate me now. They've been a little shun-y since Faith went into a coma," I said dejectedly. I stared out the window and watched clouds float by. Milo grabbed my left hand, which was closest to him. I looked over at him and his eyes met mine.

"We have to agree that we won't let each other be like this, Adriaan. That means you can't hold it all in, and I can't hold it all in. The funeral is tomorrow and I expect you to let go of everything you can. After this, we won't have to come back. And once we're married, we don't have to listen to any of them. It'll be me and you and whatever the hell we want to do or say."

I started to cry. As stupid as that speech was, it meant a lot to me. Out of thanks, I leaned over and hugged Milo as tightly as I could, burying my head in his chest.

"Do you think this will work out?" I sniffled.

"Will what work out?" he whispered back, returning my hug.

"Us," I swallowed. Wow, I should apologize to you. For some reason, I'm one of the most moody people I've ever heard of. One minute I'm a hyper diaper and the next I'm all depressed and suicidal. Sometimes I wonder about myself. Like now, why am I worried about whether or not Milo and I will 'work out'? This is crazy. And when I think about it, I'm getting fucking married. With a dress and a ceremony and a church and everything. Why the hell am I just going along with this? I really can't complain because if this hadn't been arranged, with all of the shit that's wrong with me, I'd be alone for the rest of my life.

"Once I start something, I finish it."
♠ ♠ ♠
I just realized that some extra "enter" spaces are missing in a few previous chapters. I apologize if you've been getting confused. I'll try to go back and fix it sometime.