I Just Had to Lick the Cookie, Didn't I?

Remember to Feel Real

Waste all your time with me
I know I'm a mess right now
Don't give up, believe...
I'd wait it out for you.

"This is my girlfriend, Adriaan," Milo smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist. I put my hand on his and smiled as well. Dean Michaels---I learned his name by listening to them talk--- grinned like a wild man at Milo. So much for afterthe presentation...

"I may be old, but I'm also a father. You, son, have found a striking young woman. I don't think there's anyone else out there that could look that perfect with you." We both smiled and I pretended to act shy by snuggling closer to Milo.

"Thank you, sir. Now, before I go on, would it be okay if I toyed with them a bit? You know, fooled them into thinking the assembly was about something else..."

"That sounds great. So, how was your room?" the Dean asked. I watched him, keeping my head on Milo's chest. He had his arms wrapped around me and I must say so myself, we're fooling the shit out of this guy. This could go well...

"It was great. Is it one of the newer ones?" Casual conversation kills me. It's so boring, nothing interesting.

"Yes. I would have put you closer to the school, but I figured Adriaan would rather be farther away from the campus."

"I'm sure she appreciates it," Milo said through his teeth. Oh, he was keeping something from me, the---

"You know, you shouldn't have let her out like that," Michaels teased, "these boys haven't seen a girl in about three months; they'll be like a pack of wolves, especially since she's so pretty." Pfft. Milo and I could take the--- WHAT?! BOYS?No girls!? Oh that little---

"Well, I have my cleats for practice, I'm sure they'd be willing to back off if I threaten them with a shoe that has pointy objects on the bottom. Don't you think?" Dean Michaels smiled and nodded.

"Most definitely. I'm going to go introduce you, you're on in two. Adriaan is welcome to join you on the stage." And with that, the tall old man walked away. As soon as he was far enough so he couldn't hear me, I broke free from Milo and gave him the dirtiest look I could muster up.

"I think that you failed to mention you went to an all boys' school."

"Um, I think I said it once..." he recollected verbally, looking deep in thought.

"No, you didn't. How could you not tell me that I was coming to a school filled with at least a thousand boys? All. Boys. This is outrageous. Now I'm going to be stared at and---and---watched and touched and mentally undressed and---" My rambling was cut off by Milo's hand.

"Do you honestly think I would let a bunch of hormonally out of control teenage boys do or think those things?" I shook my head and he removed his hand. Milo was fairly over-protective. You may not have noticed, but let me tell you... Holy. Shit. You don't mess with this guy. Ever. Hey, Matthew can vouch for that. Although he probably wouldn't admit defeat... "Exactly, and if they do, I'll beat the living shit out of them. And maybe they're friends. Possibly the witnesses." Again, we both laughed and smiled.

"---Maelogan Madden Boone," the Dean said. Milo and I rushed to the stage entrance and glanced at one another. He smiled weakly at me before grabbing my hand and leading me onto the stage. Let's just say I almost fainted.

Remember how big I said the auditorium building was? Well, if not, it's huge, and backstage only counts for about a tenth of the entire size. The stage another two and then the other seven tenths...seating. Lots and lots of seating. Might I add only about one or two seats were empty? One or two out of thousands. Thousands of seats filled by hormonally out of control teenage boys. Calling this the Depths of Hell would be an under statement.

Dean Michaels smiled at us and walked off stage. Milo led me to the center. He stopped and adjusted the microphone before letting my hand go and smiling at the audience of boys. Boys that were staring at Milo me. I think I'm coming down with the Heeby Jeebeez.

"Hello," Milo said, sounding random. A few of the boys' eyes glanced over at Milo, but most of them were still staring me down. Jeepers Creepers... "Oh, I see. You all like Adriaan better than me." He laughed and looked at me. "Well, sorry to say, but she doesn't exactly appreciate the attention. She'd prefer you stared at me like a mindless fish instead. It doesn't really matter though, she's just saying Hello." Milo waved me over and my eyes widened. "Say Hello, Adriaan," he whispered just so I could hear. So, I leaned into the microphone and glanced around the huge auditorium.

"Hello," I said, sounding friendly. I wanted to gag. The fake happiness is suffocating me! Make it stop! Milo placed a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back.

"Nice work, you can go now. I doubt I'll get anything through their heads with you standing here," he whispered, taunting me. "Say Bye, boys," he spoke into the microphone.

"Bye," they all said, sounding like brainwashed fools. Milo laughed and I smiled. He leaned back and moved in toward my ear.

"Just remember to keep up the act," Milo said in my ear. I nodded just as he planted a light---completely bogus---peck on my cheek. Smiling like I had just enjoyed something flirty he said, I turned and walked off stage. This whole 'fooling people into believing a load of crap' is fun. They actually think we're in love.

"Now, let's get onto the assembly, shall we?" Milo said, perfectly pleased with ruining over two thousand hormonally out of control teenage boys' fantasies and thoughts. Boy oh boy is Milo a silly dilly. "Well, Dean Michaels had me come here to talk about some things. First of all, I would just like each of you to think about where you plan on being after you graduate. Now imagine the same scenario with a pregnant girlfriend..." I almost pissed my pants. We came here so Milo could talk to them all about career choices; he just made a ton of jaws drop by tricking them into thinking he was here to speak to them about abstinence. Oh the humanity!

"Alright, alright," he forced, trying to refrain from laughing. A ton of groans had just come from a section of the seating. "I'm not here to talk to you about abstinence. Actually, I came here to talk to you all about career choices..."

A hand was placed on my shoulder and I jumped about a foot in the air. Dean Michaels was standing behind me and watching Milo intently.

"You know, I always thought his parents were going to arrange a marriage for that boy. Just the way they acted and treated him. The way he behaved around girls, you'd be surprised. If you hadn't come along, that boy would be lost. Don't hurt him Adriaan, he's going to be dependant on you for a lot of things, including the condition of his heart." With that the Dean left me to save Milo from answering a zillion questions. The poor boy had been yapping away for nearly an hour.

And if this wasn't actuallyan arranged marriage, and I actuallyhad romantic feelings for Milo, I'd be feeling the pressure right now. On the other hand, I think it's safe to say he's a virgin... That's some serious blackmail information right there. Not that I'm a hypocrite or anything...
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