Status: Compleate

A Year To Remember

In The Beginning

It’s a sunny, clear, deep ocean blue sky today. With just a slight chilly October breeze. Seemed like a perfect October day. Autumn a wonderful girl that has her dads smile and his happiness was already up and ready at 6 am. She’s completely ready for school even though it doesn’t start for another 2 and a half hour. She starts making her dads favorite breakfast. He gets up with the smell of breakfast downstairs, and says a bad joke that goes something like “This is the best breakfast, if I die today I’ll be happy knowing my girl makes the best bacon and scrambled eggs.” Little did he know that this would be his last meal...ever. Rob, Autumn’s dad was always happy and tries to make the best of every situation that comes up. That rubs off on to his oldest daughter. She is really what keeps this family together. Autumn is the glue to the family. After Rob leaves at 6:30 for his job as a garbage man, her mom Linda gets up and eats breakfast. Autumn runs upstairs to go and get Tommy and Trevor, the double trouble twins who are 10 years old. She also goes to get her smart, but shy little sister Avery. Avery’s only 6 years old, but is smarter than the twins. Autumn is kind of like the motherly figure of the family since Linda really isn’t home often. Linda’s a secretary for a small business; she doesn’t make a lot off her job.

Autumn gets the kids ready and drives them all to school on time, as any other normal school day. Yet soon Autumn finds out today isn’t a normal day. In biology her second class of the day she gets called down to the office. She never gets called to the office. She gets a lot of “Ohs” and “Ahs” while walking out of the class room. As she walks down to the office she gets more and more nervous by the seconds. Finally, after walking down the long stressful hall she gets there. “Autumn, Autumn Night?” the lady with gray hair behind the desk asks. “Y-yes that’s me” She stutters. “I’m sorry to tell you some bad news dear…your father got in an accident…” she took a break to let her soak this in. “He got in a car crash, a drunk driver didn’t stop and smashed into his car. He was announced dead on the scene.” Finished the old lady, behind the desk who was just doing her long, boring job. “Th-thank you for telling me…I’ll be leaving now.” Autumn says as she slowly walks away “bye.” She walks to her car, sits down and soaks up the information…her dad’s dead. She cries until she can put herself together and drives home, when the lunch bell rings. When she drives home she finds empty and broken bottles of every type of liquor. Now, no one in their house was a big drinker, but when Autumn got home there were so many bottles and broken glasses you would think that there was a huge party here. Quickly she loses herself in the job at task. Once the house was all cleaned up and her mom was nowhere to be found, she went to go get Double Trouble, and Avery. Once everyone was home she calls the hospital to see what room her dads body’s is in. “Ok now daddy’s had a little accident and is hurt, and sleeping. If you can behave we can go see him ok” she tells the twins in a strong voice even if that’s not how she felt. “Yea” Tommy replies, “Okay” Trevor finishes for him. Then She looks at Avery who looks back with her knowing eyes.