Status: Compleate

A Year To Remember

The Hospital

Everything is white, blank of any emotion. There’s people crying, people walking out with smiles, bald people, short, tall and all kinds of people all losing any life they had in their eyes as they walk in and gain life as they get closer to the doors, for some people. They walk up to the secretary “Hi, we would like to see Rob Night. We are his children.” Autumn adds the last part barely above a whisper. She looks me over then at the kids, “he’s not in the best condition I'm not sure they should go…” she mentions to Autumn. “I know, they need to see him.” She replies in her determined voice. “P-please let me see my daddy” Avery looks up at the lady with her big blue eyes. “He’s in room 210.” Quickly states the middle aged lady. As we walk down the halls and up the stairs to 210 Autumn caries Avery and constantly tells the boys to be quiet. “Now remember…daddy’s sleeping” she says before opening the door. As they walk in her moms there…just blank, staring at her father. You can smell the alcohols she consumed in the air. Tommy and Trevor run over to her. While Avery walks to dad and says the sweetest thing in the world “Daddy…I know you’re not here now, but know that I love you and hope I can grow up to be as happy as you seemed to be.” With those words Autumn and Linda understood that Avery was smarter than beyond her years. “He’s right here” Trevor says “Duh, are you blind” Tommy completes. “Boys stop it now, were going home.” Was the first thing out of Linda’s mouth that day. The car ride home was quiet, with a few tears and sniffles. “Were moving, my friend is offering us a cheap house far away from here. We leave tomorrow night, pack now.” Her mom demanded.

Everyone got to work packing for this new town, new place, new school and new friends. Avery packed everything she could as tight together as she possibly could. She didn’t say a word all day, just complied and did as she was told. The boys messily packed their belongings, after a long fight of why we had to leave. Her mom only packed what she needed. Their dads stuff went untouched until Autumn packed her favorite memories of him, pictures, belongings and anything important to him. Autumn got the movers to take the big items such as couches, televisions, beds, stove, fridge, tables and whatever else. That night when they got to their new house, they expected something bigger, better but what was there waiting for them was a smaller house then they had before. Now in this small house it has a finished basement, 1 floor and an attic. The house was noting special and Autumn called the attic first, the twins now share a room and Avery gets a small room to herself, Linda claimed the biggest room. It has a small black and white checkered kitchen and is far away from school. As you drive to school all you see is huge houses and shopping malls.