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Bloody eyes

First And Last Chapter

It was 5 p.m. in middles of December so it was getting dark and there was a cold wind blowing trough the halls of the school Jordan Haster, it was Friday, and in that special day almost everyone has left the school at that hour, it was so quiet and peaceful that you wouldn’t have noticed that a girl, no more than 15 years old, with long and dark hair and deep black eyes, was sitting next to the trash can in the floor leaning on the wall.
That girl was called Miranda and she was so angry because her mom leaved her there in Friday, but her face didn’t looked angry at all, she had a lost look in her eyes seeing to nothing, that gave her kind of a crazy air, and she was thinking so deeply that it would’ve been hard to take her out of her thoughts.
But just few minutes later she heard something like chains hitting the floor not very far, and that distracted Miranda out of her world and got her attention to what was happening in her surroundings.

The sound of chains that Miranda heard where coming from the most forgotten hall of the school, where the cellar of the past years was, the old library (that was closed) and almost at the end, a classroom that Miranda never knew.

Miranda was a curious girl that hardly got afraid of anything, and she always said that what she didn’t see she wouldn’t believe on it, so as far as we know she don’t believe in aliens, ghost, or other super natural forces that have no real proofs.

She was so bored there that she couldn’t deny the fact that she wanted to go and see what was behind the forever locked doors and find out what was that sound, so she got up and leaved her backpack behind the trashcan. She could see some school guards chatting in their radios and making jokes but no one noticed she was there, so she walked fast to the hall room and got in without seeing the big lock that was on the door, it was broken, and she didn’t really saw its size because she was more worried about the school guards not see her.

When she got in, she noticed that was almost completely dark, there was a low light bulb winking at the end of the hall, and the shadows of the doors looked so gloomy that she felt a little bad for what she was doing, but that didn’t stopped her.
She went forward and pass through the first door of the old library, the windows were covered with newspaper and it was the same by the second door, a kind of weird feeling got over the corridor, she had a big chill from her toes to the top of her head and got a little nervous, but once again she didn’t stop.

The door of the last room was opened, and she stopped in front of it and examined the room, there were some broken chairs and tables and it was very dark and most of the room was in total shadow. she almost could see something, and she noticed there was a chain in the floor
-It probably felt down some table- she thought, and she turned around to start walking to the corridor door, but something make her stop…
She felt a cold breeze and a smell like rotten meat breath in her back, she got petrified, and then she felt something like a hand climbing trough her arm…
She couldn’t say if it was so cold or … so hot…
She got scared…
And turn to her back…
There it was, so big and horrible…. Standing just right in front of her… with its bloody eyes full of hate at her…
- Miranda! Wake up! It’s time to go-
Miranda jumped out of her skin and waked up shivering, she was sitting next to the trashcan and she was… sleeping?!
Well it was true, she was as sleep and her mom was there so agitated asking for forgiveness for forgetting to pick up Miranda from the school
But Miranda wasn’t even hearing her at all, she was still lost in her last dream
-jeez! It was only a dream- she was thinking, and at the same time getting up and grabbing her backpack… but in that moment she realized that she was holding the same chain that was in the classroom with her hand…
And she raced to the car, never wanting to come back or see what was behind the forever locked corridor doors of Jordan Haster.
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