Status: in progress.

Save Me From The Nothing I've Become


The beach kicks major ass. Better than the shitty beaches I'd been to in the last three years, at least. You know, I really hope he's not some beach bum idiot. Not like those blonds on TV, that only say “dude,” and “bro,” cause they annoy the shit out of me. I scanned around. No one in my area even looked anything similar to the boy in the picture. Fantastic. I walked more down the beach, to a more secluded spot. Grumbling, I took out my phone, dialing in a number.


“Hi, Tony.” I said.

“Heyyo! My baby girl, how you doin' in Cali?” I smiled slightly.

“Good so far. Listen, where the hell is this kid?” I heard him laughing.

“I told you in ya papers, doll.” I went through my bag, keeping the cell pressed against my shoulder.

“He likes to hang out in Malibu, yes, I got that. But, where does he live?”

“You gotta find 'dat out, sweet cheeks.” I rolled my eyes.

“Fine.” I sighed. “Talk to you later.” I hung up, pushing my phone back into the pocket of my denim shorts. I spotted a group of teenagers around mine, and Nick's, age, and went over. “Uh, hi,” I said, blushing as they turned to me, “I-I'm lost.” I lied easily.

“You new here?” A guy with blond hair and a dark tan asked me. Beach. Bum. I nodded.

“Just got here.”

“Where you supposed to be?” He said.

“I have no idea.” I took Nick's picture out, showing him. “I have to find him. He's my, er, friend?”

“No idea who that is, babe. Sorry.” I wanted to punch him in the face already.

“Thanks anyway.” I turned to leave.

“Hey, wait,” One of the girls at the beach bum's side said, “I've seen him before. He said his name was....Rick?”


“Right, yeah. I seen him with his brothers. He lives in LA, I think,” her nose scrunched as she thought it over, “yeah, LA, that's it.”

“Thanks.” I smiled.

“No problem,” she held her hand out, “I'm Jennifer.”

“Bri-ttany.” I said, nearly saying my real name on accident. “I'm Brittany.”

“I'm Eric.” Beach bum said.

“I'm Michelle,” a much more pale girl beside beach bum's other guy friend said, offering a smile.

“I'm Thomas.”

I ended up staying at the beach a little longer than I planned to. I got wrapped up talking to them. It was the first time I'd had real conversations with people in...Well, I don't think I've had a conversation with someone that didn't involve the words “kill,” “assassin,” or “death.”

“Aw, shoot,” I said, looking at my cell. “I have to go.”

“Be here tomorrow?” Eric, Mr. Beach Bum straight forward, said.

“Uh...” I blinked, “if Nick wants to.”


“See you!” The girls called waving. I waved back, walking back to my car. I think I just made friends.

Ring, ring, “Hello?”

“Hey, girl, hey.” Tori's voice floated in.

“Oh, hi.” I said, grinning. “How's Hick-ville?”

“Very Hick-ish.” She sighed. “I don't fit in.”

“I haven't even found the damn kid yet, man.”

“Seriously?” She laughed. “I got Hutto's address in my folder.”

“What?” I gaped. “That's bullshit! Tony so did this on purpose.”


“I'm calling him,” I growled, “I'll talk to you later.”

“Bye.” She chuckled as I hung up.


“You asshole.” I said, frowning. “You know his address, don't you?”

“Maybe.” I can hear that smirk in his voice.

“Why are you sending me on a wild goose chase, Tony?!” I shrieked.

“Just to fuck wit'cha.” I scowled.

“Can I have the address, please?” I grabbed the notepad I kept with me from my bag and jotted it down as he said it. “Thanks.”

“No problem.”

“Goodbye, jackass.”

“Bye, mamacitaaaa.” I rolled my eyes, hanging up. I followed my GPS to the location. Holy shit, it's like a mansion. I looked out my window, wide eyes blinking.

“Jesus.” I said under my breath. I pulled over, getting out. I approached the front door cautiously. I knocked, taking a step back. I bit my lip as the door opened, revealing a boy with raven black, cropped hair. He stared for a moment before speaking.

“Can I help you?” He smiled.

“Uh,” I squeaked, a little awestruck by how cute this dude was, “I need help.” His eyebrows furrowed.

“Are you okay?”

“Y-Yeah, but, uh, I'm lost.” I repeated the lame ass lie from earlier.

“Oh,” he stepped aside, “come in.” I nodded, blushing, as I stepped past him.

“Who's this, Joseph?” A warm looking woman with curly, dark brown hair said, smiling at me.

“Oh, uh...”

“Brittany.” I said shyly. “I'm lost.”

“Oh!” She exclaimed. “Where do you need to go, sweetheart? I know this place like the back of my hand.” Her smile stayed bright.

“We-Well,” I went to speak, but footsteps thundering down the stairs cut me off.

“Mom!” A voice yelled. “Kevin broke my guitar!” A little boy, maybe around nine years old, wailed, tears streaming down his chubby cheeks.

“Kevin!” The woman barked up the stairs. “Get down here!”

“I tripped and fell on it! It was an accident!” A boy older then the cropped haired one said, coming down. His hair was curly, like Nick's, but a little longer. Jeez, I thought, remembering what Nick's papers had said a bout the family's love for music, even the little kid plays? I couldn't tell you a single chord from a guitar if I tried to.

“He broke it!” The poor kid cried.

“It's okay, sweetie, it was only an accident. Kevin can buy you a new one, isn't that right?” The boy I now knew as Kevin frowned, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he looked at his feet.


“Who's she?” The little boy sniffled, looking at me as he wiped his face. I blushed, the attention now on me.

“Brittany.” I squeaked.

“I'm Frankie.” He smiled up at me. I smiled back.

“I'm Kevin.”

“My name's Joseph,” He grinned bright, “but you can call me Joe.”

“Okay.” I nodded, laughing.

“Honey, where did you say you needed to go?” Their mom asked again.

“Well, uhm, I just need to find a hotel.” I said.

“Oh,” she bit her lip, “there isn't any good hotels around here.”

“There's that one,” Kevin said, “but it's totally gross. There's cockroaches and everything.” I made a face in disgust.


“How long are you staying?” Mrs. Jonas said. I really shouldn't know what their last names are, but what can a girl do?

“Oh, uh, I'm not sure.” I shifted uncomfortably.

“Well,” she began, pausing, “we have extra rooms–”

“I couldn't!” I exclaimed. “T-That's too much to ask for. A crappy hotel is fine.”

“Crappy is an understatement for that hotel.” Joe said. I didn't even want to imagine it.

“I'll have to talk to my husband about it, but you could stay here, we have the extra room. You seem like a nice girl.” She smiled at me. I felt my heart shatter just a bit.

“I...” I stopped as the front door opened. A man and another boy walked in. The boy I recognized immediately. Nick. I froze, staring. He was even cuter in person. This whole family is gorgeous, for God sake!

“Who's this?” Mr. Jonas asked, sending me a smile.

“This is Brittany,” Mrs. Jonas said, “and she needs a place to stay. The only option she has as of now is that hotel we stayed at after the flood a couple months ago.” Her husband's expression became sour.


“I offered her a room here,” she added hopefully.

“Well...” He trailed off.

“I, uhm,” I finally tore my eyes from Nick's gaze. Maybe staying here wasn't such a terrible idea. “I could help around the house and everything. Cleaning and cooking and all that.”

“You don't have to.” Mrs. Jonas shook her head.

“Yes, I do. I owe you that much.”

“I don't see why not.” Mr. Jonas smiled. “You seem sweet.” I blushed immediately, dropping my gaze.


“How old are you?” Joe asked.

“Well, uh, I just turned seventeen.”

“Nick's seventeen.” Mrs. Jonas said, looking at the curly haired boy beside Mr. Jonas.

“Oh.” I looked to him. He said nothing. “Hi.” I squeaked.

“Hi.” He replied. Hello, hot voice.

“Be nice.” Mrs. Jonas said, turning to me. “You can call me Denise, by the way.”

“And you could call me Paul.”

“Okay,” I nodded, “but, uhm, what are your last names?” I asked sheepishly. They answered together;

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Tada :D