Status: in progress.

Save Me From The Nothing I've Become


I sat in the room, I dialed Tony's number.


"Ay, yo- creep." I said, putting my phone on speaker.

"'Ello darlin'"

"How should I approach this one?"

"Whatchu mean?"

"Like, I have a hotel and shit, I just... how the fuck am I supposed to approach this hick? Like, uhm, yeah."

"Do what you do best, kid." The line went dead. I rolled my eyes. I dialed Bri's number then.

"Hello?" She squeaked.

"Hey, girl, hey." I said, going to my door.

"Hi." She squeaked.

"Could you stop squeaking?" I asked.

"No? What's up?"

"Tony is such a dumbass, I mean COME ON!" I explained going out my door. I seen that same guy from earlier along with about 5 others. I made sure my messenger bag was close to me.

"What do you mean?"

"I have no fucking idea what I'm doing here. You usually do these things, I'm just there for the enjoyment of the job." I said.

"But you knew that we'd be like this eventually." She said, I still hadn't left the hallway.

"Well, I mean, you're Brittany. I mean like what the fuck."

"And you're Charlie."

"Yeah, I'm Charlie, not a Charlie's angel though." I said. I started walking to the elevator.

"HEY! HOLD THE DOOR AGAIN, PLEASE!" Jesus, does that guy ever do anything by himself? I did.

"Well, you have to figure it out."

"I'm clever, not that clever." I said as the 6 of them entered the elevator. Each one had their own face paint.

"Uhm, who took down those two girls?" She asked.

"Well, I did. But that's only because those bitches were dumber then a rock." I stated.

"Whatever, hey I have to go, someone's coming in the room."

"Alright, well I gotta find a hunting shop anyway, I'll call you later, okay?"


"Good luck, girl."

"Same to you." We both hung up.

"You're looking for a hunting shop?" One of the guys said, I fixed my side bangs before looking up.

"Yeah, know where it is? I'm not that familiar around here." I said.

"We could show you one, we're going that way." Another one said.

"Oh, cool. If you guys don't mind me tagging along." I said.

"Not at all." They said.

"David Hutto." The guy with the cowboy hat said, my heart stopped. Holy shit. That's him? The creeper with the face paint is MY guy?

"Charlie... Ragan." I said.

"Chris Rouleau." Another guy said.

"Paul Methric,"

"Jamie Spaniolo."

"Joe Bruce."

"Joey Utsler."

"Gonna take me a while to remember all your names, but I think I got 'em." I laughed, they all chuckled.

"What do you got there?" 'Paul' said pointing to my bag.

"Oh, uh.. just something for school." I shrugged. He nodded.

"So, you hunt?" David asked.

"Kind of." I said. "Do you?"

"I live for hunting." He said.

"Oh, really?" I asked, he nodded. I took my phone out and typed FOUND HIM. I sent it to Bri.

"Who were you on the phone with?" Chris asked.

"Brittany." I said. "She's my sister, though we were sent to different places for school." I rolled my eyes. "She's in California, and here I am... Georgia."

"Oh, we're visiting David, we all live in Detroit, except David." He explained.

"Oh." I said, these guys are nosey fuckers.

"I hope you don't mind walking..." David said as we walked out of the hotel.

"Don't mind at all." I said. We started walking.

"Maybe we could go hunting sometime together." He said.

"Maybe..." I said. Oh no, this is going to be harder then I thought.
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