Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire


"Mom are you serious!?"

"Honey, there are some things you just cannot understand."

"I understand you are giving me to someone you don't know!"

Jasmine Karter is a seventeen years old.She has black hair and purple like eyes.She is furious because she just found out she is engaged to marry a boy named Edwin.She saw his picture before.He had blonde hair but dark eyes.She could not tell the color.

"But why mom?"

"Because we are struggling and..."

"And i'm your get rich quick scheme?"

"No it's not..."

"Oh save it!"

She ran past her mom,up the stairs and into her room where she collapsed on the bed.

"You know she really meant good."

Jass turned to see who it was.It was Josiah.Her guardian angel and her best friend.He had dark hair and eyes the color of sapphire.He had wings (duh).They are white and when light
hits them they let of rainbow like colors.

"How could you say that?She's giving me away so her life can be easier."

"Or maybe she's doing it so YOUR life would be easier."

She looked at him confused.Seeing this he explained what he meant.

"She sees how you struggle and hopes this will give you what she doesn't have."

"Oh I never thought of it this way."

"I know.That's what i'm here for."

Footsteps could be heard.

"I have to go."

She nodded.He wasn't leaving, just making himself invisible.

"May I come in?"

"Yes mama."

She came in."Are you still against going?"

"No I think i'll give him a chance.Who knows, maybe it won't be so bad."

Her mother smiled

"Trust me you'll like it."

I sure hope so...
♠ ♠ ♠
I curently finished this on quizilla but I wanted to see how it does on mibba so enjoy!