Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

I win Josiah, you lose!

Edwin POV

I looked everywhere for Jass. Where on earth could she be?! Wait, why do I care? She's just a girl I have to marry...

I walked around the corner of the school to find her. But not as I imagined. She was kissing Josiah, the guy I told her to stay away from. She was actually kissing him! Something tore at my heart that I could not explain, a feeling, almost foreign to me... could it be love? (quoted by Alex1309 =)]


She looked at me and she looked scared. "Edwin. I'm sorry I just.."

"You!" I pointed at Josiah. "I told you to stay away from him and here you are all over him!"

He walked up to me trying to calm me down, but I was far passed the breaking point! He touched my hand and I pushed him away.

"Don't touch me!"

Jass didn't know what to do and I didn't blame her. She never saw me this mad. Not even the time I hit her.

'You seriously don't know me, Josiah. I'll kill you! Stay away from her!"

I went to grab her hand but she snatched it before I could get it.

"Jass let's go"

"No. You need to calm down first."


She kept shaking her head and it pissed me off!

I walked over and grabbed her hand, and I knew it was hurting her because of my strength. I didn't care at this point. Not even while she was hitting my arm telling me to let go. But I did care when I felt someone punch me across my face. And it hurt, strangely since I'm a vampire.

I felt myself fall but I caught myself before I hit the ground. I looked back to see Josiah standing there, looking about as pissed as I was, which was a major deal. But I love Jass and he won't take her from me. Wait...I love her? That's it isn't it?

"Josiah move. She's my fiance and I have a right to take her with me."

"I won't let you hurt her Edwin."

He looked at me with an ice cold stare. I tried my best to give one back.

"Last warning, Josiah. Move!"

"No." He said with no emotion in his voice. So I did what it was I could to make him move. I attacked him.

I jumped forward grabbing his arms, and good God he was strong! But I still fought against him. I kicked him in the side, causing him to stumble back and I tried to go for a punch. He dodged it and countered with punch. He caught me in the chest and I grabbed his arms as I fell, causing him to fall with me. We were wrestling on the ground when someone pulled us up and apart. I looked up. The principle. Crap...

"I didn't expect this from either of you let alone towards each other!"

I was trying to settle my breathing, glaring at Josiah throughout the principle's full rant about how we are his best student, blah blah blah.

~at home~

I sat in my room, thinking about Jass. How in the world did this happen? How the heck did I fall for this human?

I remember when she first came here. She was disgusted by me kissing her hand and hated me when I took her phone. She hates me so much. But I love her just as much as she hates me!

I groaned and rubbed my head.

"I'm confusing myself..." I said to no one in particular.

I went and walked to Jass' door and sat by it. I didn't really feel like going inside, plus she would probably kill me if I did.

"I can't believe those two fought!"

Oh goodness she's ranting about me.

"I can't believe those two! Edwin ruins everything! I wish I could just leave! God loves us. Ha! If he loved me I wouldn't be here!"

God? She believed in him? OK...

"No! He wouldn't let me be here because I don't have a purpose here!"

Is she answering someone? Who's she talking to?

"What? He doesn't have a heart let alone a soul! I can't save him and honestly I don't think I want to!"

She IS talking to someone. But who could she be talking to?

"No Aerth!"

Who's that?

"No! You know what you can leave because I don't care anymore!"

I peaked in her room. No one was there. I quickly ran back to my room and laid on the bed. Yeah she really does hate me...

Aerth POV

I was outside of Jass' room window. She kicked me out because of what happened today. But even worse she's doubting her beliefs. Oh how did it come to this.

Bu then something dread full happened. I saw a form appear before me. One that would destroy her heart, and her very being!

"Impossible. Corentin!"

He looked back at me. His eyes full of pure evil.

"Oh it's good to be back in action old friend."

I couldn't believe it. She actually let a demon come and take my place. She's lost...but not a lost cause!

Josiah POV

I can't believe I fought Edwin. I shouldn't have done that.

Sai came up to me, Aerth coming behind her. They looked sad.

'What? What happened?!"

"It's Jass, brother." Sai said on the brink of crying.

"What happened?!" I was panicking.

"She's thrown me out, Josiah. She gave herself away. There's no telling what will happen to her."

That was it. She actually lost herself. There was nothing I could do to save her. She has to want her heart back. It's too bad though. I love her, and now she'd no sooner give her heart to Edwin out of spite. Why?

Edwin POV

This could work in my favor. She's sad right now and she's pushing people away. Maybe I'll try to comfort her and win her love. Then she'll love me! Love me as much as I love her! That's it! I'll win her love!

I laughed at my plan. I know it'll work. I win Josiah, you lose!
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for Alex1309! She even gave me what to say when he found them sooo yeah. THANKS! XOXO lol love yo all. Message me and comment! Some of yo might not like this chapter BUT I updated lol