Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

The sweet taste of victory!

Jass POV

I was sitting on my bed. I saw someone new standing next to me. An angel? I don't think..

"I see you are curious about me. I am Corentin. I am assigned to you."

Okay so he is an angel.

"Okay. I guess you're here because I fought with Aerth right?"

He smiled but it didn't look like a happy one. "Yes I am. And you don't have to worry. I will protect you."

He was looking at me like a lion looking at his prey. But hey he says he'll protect me. I guess I can trust him.

I got ready for school. I had to admit I was still a little bummed out but I think I can manage. Edwin came and insisted he drives me to school.

"Go ahead," said Corentin. "You don't have to be afraid of him. He loves you."

I did have to admit I could tell Edwin loved me. Hey I might as well play off his love while I can.

I smiled at Edwin sweetly and got in. As we drove he tried to make small conversation. I answered him whenever he wanted me to but i didn't try to get into a full conversation. I don't want to fall for him. I just want to use him. Is that bad?

We walked into the school hand in hand. I was getting use to the idea of holding is hand. i didn't know why though. In class I saw Josiah looking at me. Aerth and Sai were talking to him. As they talked I could only recognize him say one sentence, seeing as though my lip reading skills are terrible.

He said, "She doesn't even know..." And he would shake his head. He looked really sad. I don't think it was because I was with Edwin. It couldn't be Corentin? He didn't even meet Josiah before, at least not that I know of.

"Don't worry about them, Jass."

I looked at Corentin out of the corner of my eye.

"They're just mad because I am your guardian and not them. Jealousy goes a long way you know."

I nodded. Yeah they were just jealous! That's probably why Aerth was so anxious to stay with me. He is jealous of Corentin. I looked back at them, turned to the board and shook my head. It's a sad day when an angel is jealous of his comrade.

Corentin laughed and shook his head. "Jass, I have to say you are making me enjoy my job more and more!"

I smiled and nodded to him.

When class was out Edwin walked ahead of me. We have different classes now so I stopped at my locker only to be joined by the jealous three.

"Jass," started Josiah. "You have to get away from Corentin."

"Why? He's here to protect me."

"No he's not,"added Sai. "He is here to destroy you Jass!"

"Please listen to us," said Aerth.

"You know what? All three of you can just save it. Corentin is a nice angel and he's assigned to me so back of!"

"No!" Yelled Josiah. "He's a demon assigned to you from hell and I have to say he's doing a great job at destroying you because you believe every word he says!"

I was taken back. "I can't believe it"

His face change to hope, thinking I believed him.

"You guys are that jealous of him that you would make up such a lie?! How dare you! He's been nothing but nice and you guys accuse him of being a demon?!"

I shook my head and walked off. Un-freaking-believable!

Josiah POV

I can't believe it. I told her the truth, yet she still sided with Corentin. He's my greatest enemy. I defeated hm once and he's enjoying this payback. How can I tell? He's in front of me gloating.

"Oh, Josiah. You are really something. I can't believe you became human. I know you can go back and ask to be an angel again but seeing you like this is simply amazing. You are powerless my friend."

"Corentin, what happened between me and you is strictly between us. Leave her out of this."

"Oh no. She is just one addition to my plan. Payback is sweet. How do I know? I'm tasting it. The sweet taste of victory!"

With that he flew off after Jass. I clenched my fists in my hair. He was winning. But I didn't care. He had dragged Jass into this. All because of a past defeat.

A thought came to mind and I knew he was planning this.

"If I had not become human, none of this would've ever happened!"
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Comment and message me! I'm doing this to avoid Alex1309's pet Dracula so if you see him, tell me! haha