Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

I promise...

He's...gone. I couldn't believe it. He actually left me. It felt unreal. No. It felt as if someone ripped my heart out, threw it on I-95 and kept me alive to feel the pain as the cars mercilessly ran it over. I pushed it to the back of my mind. He's not gone. I have to find him.

I went down every alley, every street and around every corner. I called his name desperately. He couldn't have left. We have always been together. Ever since I was born he was there. He was my angel.

I sat on the roof again, waiting for the vain moment in the back of my mind where Josiah would show back up. It never came. The sun was setting and I should have been home. I just couldn't leave. This was the last place I saw him.

~two months later~

I still miss Josiah. It feels like he just left yesterday. The pain gets worse each day as the realization of him actually leaving sets in.

At night I have had dreams of him leaving. I cry all night in my sleep. At least that's what Edwin says. This night was no different.

"Jass! wake up! please come on!"

I opened my eyes, having another heart wrenching dream of Josiah.

"Jass, It's okay!"

I looked up and saw Edwin. He looked so worried about me.

"I'm sorry it's just..." I tried hard to keep my voice from cracking but I knew I couldn't help it. I felt fresh tears running down my face following the lines of the old ones.I didn't hold back the tears anymore. I let them out not caring. Then I looked up, shocked when Edwin started hugging me.

"That's it! I'm tired of seeing him hurt you Jass!"

"Edwin. What..."

"The love that engulfs me is foreign, it is like a new feeling that has invaded my lone dead heart. Can't you see? I love you! I never thought I would, but now I do, and nothing can take that away, say you love me, and I will forever be in peace. Say it!"


"Jass please! I love you. I will never leave you or try to hurt you! Josiah couldn't have loved you like I have because he left!"

Hearing Josiah's name made me replay him leaving all over again. I cried but there was one thing I did have to admit. I think I was starting to love Edwin. Maybe it's because of what people call the superhero syndrome. Someone comes in and heals your broken heart and you think you love them but you don't. I hope that's not the case here.

"Edwin, I do think I love you but I want to be sure. I need time to think about this."

"I hope this is still not about him. He's gone Jass! I hate that he's still affecting you and he's not even here!"

"Edwin just please! I don't need a new love to sweep me off my feat. I just need a friend right now. I do love yo but I'm scared of getting hurt."

"I won't hurt you. I'll protect you. I promise."

I looked at Edwin. He really meant it. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he held me.

"I promise..."
♠ ♠ ♠
I updated!! I am hiding in my closet from Dracula! ha ha XD. When Edwin told Jass he loved her the quote came from my friend Alex1309! =) Comment and message! By the way if you read her stories they're awesome! But Jacob and I are currently hunting one of the characters *reloads shot gun* ha ha see ya!