Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

Meeting the enemy

It was time to go but she was still unsure about the whole situation.But if it made her mother hapy, then she would do it.She got my bags and took them to the car.They hopped in and got ready for the long ride to Edwin's house.They were all inthe car: her,her mom and Josiah (invisible of course).Her dad was at work as usual.She hardly ever saw him.During the long ride, with two more hours to go, her mom finally wanted to talk. "Hey so um... how was school?"

"It was fine."

"Okay anything interesting happen?"

"No not really."

"Jass I just..."

"Why are you doing this mom?" She heard Josiah say it but she wanted to hear it from her mom.

"Well I just...I just wanted you to have everything.Not struggle like me and your father."
And there it was.Never before had she thought her mother would say it but she did.

"I understand.Thank you but did you ever think that I didn't have a problem with my life?That I liked it just the way it was?"

"I'm sorry."

"No it's okay.It's natural for a mother to want something more for her child."

Her mother smiled. "Thank you for understanding."

Jass nodded and smiled back.

At last we arrived. The house actually wasn't that big. It had like Burgundy painting on the outside. It looked old.They always were a family who loved antiques. We Knocked on the door using the old knocker. Seriously who USED these things anymore!?

A man answered.He was old and very tall.He wore an old looking suit.It was very...elegant

"Welcome young miss.Do you wish to enter?"

"Um...yeah sure." That was all Jass could say.

They walked in as the man took their coats.

"Are you the butler," asked jass.

"Yes, I am miss.I will retrieve the young master now.You may look around while you wait."

"Thank you..." She said not knowing his name.


"Thank you, Geoffrey."

He nodded and walked up some stairs that wound up on both sides to a hallway.

"See honey you even get a butler here." Her mom seemed to try to convince her this place wasn't so bad.

"I just don't like the fact of someone working for me. I can do things on my own."

"You always were independent," said Josiah, visible only to her.

"And always will be," she replied.

"What was that honey," her mom said obviously overhearing her conversation with Josiah.

"Nothing mom."

"Ah so you finally made it, Jasmine."

She looked from her mom and turned to see who it was. It was Edwin.

He walked down and gave her mothe a hug. he then walked over to her and extended his hand. A handshake? She stretched out her hand and taking it, he kissed it.

She pulled back her hand, trying not to be rude.

"Well i'm going to go now honey."

"Wait, mom..."

"I love you Jasmine.Have fun."

With that, her mom walked out the door, leaving Jass with Edwin.

"Come, Jass.I will show you the rest of the house."

"Okay," she said looking behind her making sure Josiah was right behind her.She saw him and he nodded, letting her know he would be right behind her. She smiled and turned around.

As long as he is with me i'll go anywhere.

Then she stopped making Edwin and Josiah stop with her.

"What's wrong, Jass," asked Josiah first.

"Jasmine, what is it," asked Edwin obviously not knowing of Josiah's prescence.

"Nothing, it''s nothing."

She started back walking, Edwin at her left, Josiah at her right, both confused.

Why...why did I...why do I...

She couldn't even form the question.She was too confused of her own thoughts.

It was nothing, she tried to convince herself. But she knew it was more.Much, much more.
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I want someone to message me and tell me what they think