Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

The one I wished to save...

Jass POV

I saw him. Josiah. He was coming. But then I saw Edwin. He killed Josiah. Drained him dry. But I thought he said he was going to become an angel. I knew it. He had to die.

I ran outside. He couldn’t be dead. Not now, not ever. I pushed Edwin out of the way and knelt by Josiah, leaning down to see if I could hear his heart beating. I couldn’t. This was unbearable. First he was leaving and now he’s dead. He’ll get his wish. He’ll be an angel again.

I got and slapped Edwin, which had no affect since he was a vampire. But it made me feel a little better.

“How could you? You’re a murderer!”

“I really don’t care about angel boy. He’s dead now!”

“You bastard. To think you were beginning to change! I thought you were finally coming around. I guess I was wrong! Wrong to think that someone like you could have a soul worth saving!”

He laughed but this wasn’t funny. “That’s all Josiah ever wanted…”

He stopped and looked at me. I said that out loud didn’t I?

“What are you talking about?”

“Nothing” I said as I tried to walk back to the house but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

“No it’s not nothing! What the hell are you talking about?!”

I paused. “One thing Josiah wanted was for you to know that you are not a damned soul. But what do you care. I’m not even sure if you have a soul.” I snatched my arm from him and walked back to my room.

Edwin POV

She’s lying. She has to be. This man didn’t even know me or what I am. I looked at him. He laid there.

“She’s lying. You didn’t care!”

No answer. Of course not. He’s dead. And I killed him.

“You bastard!” I tried to kick him but my foot went through. What the heck? Is this how angels die?


I walked back to the house but looked back to see that his body was gone.

Josiah POV

I am finally back home. I have to be an angel again. Being human is…too much.

I waited by Heaven’s gates as they opened. I walked in, being greeted by old friends and met new ones.

As I approached the courts of Heaven I noticed that He was waiting for me, sitting on His throne, with His Son on the right. I walked up to the throne and knelt out of humble adoration.

“You are back, Josiah.”

“Yes, Father.”

“And why are you here?”

Why was He asking me. He knew.

“Why do you ask? You know al things.”

“By you proclaiming your reason, you believe it yourself.”

I paused. “I am here to ask to reclaim my angel being. Being human was not what I thought it would be.”

He didn’t answer and I started to think he would deny my request.

“Very well then.”

I looked up but could not see His face. The light surrounding Him was unbearable. I looked down.

“Let me tell you this, Josiah,” answered the Son. “Though you are given a new charge, your ties with young Jasmine is still in affect. When the time comes you will have to go back. Even if you refuse now, you will want to later.”

I nodded. No use in arguing.

“Your request is accepted” They said as One.

I felt the power flowing through me. The same power I felt when I was first created. I was an angel again. But I would have to go back when told. I didn’t care. Maybe by then I would have gotten over her. Over Jasmine, the one I loved so dearly. And Edwin, the one I wished to save…