Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

A never expected event...

Edwin's POV

I walked to Jasmines room, for the 50th time this week, but I cant bear to go in. I told her I didn’t care, but that isn’t true. I don’t know why I feel this way, I thought… I thought killing Josiah would allow me to have Jasmine forever. She hates me, she wont talk to me, come out of her room, nothing. I am slowly sinking into my own deep hole. I need to hunt. I need to hunt now!

I walked towards the window, and transformed into a bat, swooping to a street club. I walked in as a human. A young girl, about 20 smiled at me. I smiled back. I led her out into a dark alley. I then bit into her neck, and sucked her dry, then, full and contented, I took her to the woods. I made it look like an animal attack. A mountain Lion… ha!

I walked back home, happy, and ready. That is what I needed. I opened the door, and walked to Jass’s room. She was laying on her bed, and I smiled, and walked back outside, then I saw Angel Boy. I blinked and he was gone… I am a vampire, my eyes don’t play tricks on me!!

I walked back inside. I walked to the bathroom and took a long shower.

I then walked to Jass’s room.

I walked in, “Hello.” I said non-emotionally.

“Hey” she said, “You are talking to me now?”

“I’d like to ask the same of you.”

I raced across the room, faster than the speed of light. I saw Angel Boy in the window, ah ha! He is there!

I kissed Jasmine. She tensed, but began to kiss me back slowly. I could hear Josiah growl (a growling angel?) and fly off. My job is done! He wont come back.

“Jasmine, I am sorry I killed Josiah,” I said in a completely honest voice.

“I know” she said, and I hugged her. Sneering inside my head, “The wedding is still on right?” I asked, “Of course” she smiled, and I smiled back.

She will be mine soon, my little Vampire Slave…


Josiah’s POV

She kissed him! I came back for her, and she made my heart tear.

I sat down on a roof, clutching my chest at the tearing feeling inside my heart. It felt as if a million knives were cutting into my soul, my heart, my life. How can this be, she loved me, didn’t she? I thought she did… she got over me so fast, how can it be, how can she love a monster, a demon like him?

Edwin came up to me. “Hello Angel Boy, did you know, your blood tastes very sweet, it is disgusting!” he spat on the ground.

“How can she love you? A-a- You are a--.”

“A what? A monster, and demon sent from Hell? Well, that girl is a demon sent from my own personal Hell, sent to destroy me! You don’t think I can’t love, tsk, I can. No, I don’t want to, you think I want to lay my future in the hands of some puny, stupid human? No! I don’t!”

“You don’t deserve her!”

“I don’t? You aren’t as angelic as she thinks you are, do you want me to tell her, about miss Barbie you were making out with?”

“What! I wasn’t--. That is a lie!”

“Of course it is! I can lie idiot, I can lie WELL, in fact, so well, she will believe me!” I was about to say something, but he was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a filler!