Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

And she screamed

Jass’s POV

Jass was stuck in a large grey cell, her clothes torn, and she was wimpering. “Shut up, Human!” Corentin said.

Jass felt the tears come down on her cheeks, she will never see Edwin, or Aerth, or Josiah again….

Jass shivered, and laid on the cold floor. A cat walked through the bars, it was pitch black, and purring, and Jass gave the cat a pat before the cat ran off.

Jass heard a tapping on her window, she looked up to see Sai there, with a solemn expression on her face.

Jasmine’s eyes lit up, and she stood up to greet Sai, but the chains on her hands stopped her, and she fell down again.

Jass took out a picture she had secretly taken of Josiah, and held it to her heart.

Corentin smiled and snatched the picture, then he tore it in half.

He threw it back to Jass, and said, “Tear it, TEAR him! He left you, abandoned you, so tear him!" He stuck a sword at her neck, and with feeble trembling hands, she tore the picture into little bits.

Corentin opened the cage, and released the metal bars from her hands, and legs, then soaked a rope in some mysterious liquid, tying it on her feet and hands. The rope burned her, it tore into her skin, and burned her, then he tied the rope onto the rafters, and pulled a lever, lifting her up by then hands. She fought back a scream, it hurt so much.

“Come on, scream!” he yelled, and it pulled harder. A scream escaped her lips, she screamed bloody murder, and he finally let her loose. She fell to the ground crying.

Then she heard a tap, and a horrified Josiah stood in the window, his expression was horrified, distraught, and lethal. Only one expression showed on Jass’s face, the one of true, and utter relief… until she saw Corentin behind him, and a sword on his throat, and she screamed.
♠ ♠ ♠
OOOH, cliff hanger! Haha, Next chapter: Coming when "Angel of Rock" (Brianna) updates =)