Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

He's a...

After they walked down a long hallway they came to a door.

"This is your room. It's not near mine. I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"Thank you"

She went into the room.It was old looking.It had an old but exotic looking bed with a huge head board. The dressers were big enough to hold an entire store. okay i'll admit that is a little dramatic.


She turned and looked at Josiah. He pointed at edwin who was standing at the door.

"Is there something you want?"

"um...yes actually I would love to know more about you.Of course it would be common sense for someone to know more about their fiance."

Ugh how can he say that so freely?

"Well where to start? Let's see I love to watch romance movies where the girl gets with the friend instead of the cute guy in the movie. It annoys me when people in the movie gets with the boy the audience likes best."

That's why arranged marriage is one of the things I hate most!!

"I see. So who would I be in the movie?"


The question caught her by surprise

""I don't know I just met you"

He stood there for awhile.

"Is there something wrong," asked Chris

"Sorry I was just thinking about something. I will leave now. See you tomorrow. We will go look for the wedding cake and things like that."

"WAIT!! What do you mean? How far is the wedding?"

"Oh they didn't tell you? It's a month away."

Jass stepped back wondering what she's hearing. She caught herself and closed the door on Edwin's face. She waited to see that Edwin was a good distance away and she turned and sat on her bed.


Josiah materialized "Yes?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was not my place to tell you. My instrunctions are only to protect you and, if you're in danger, to get you out of here."

"I wish I could just leave, but..."

"There is something I can tell you however."

"What is that?"

"Edwin is a vampire"