Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

Can you love me?

Josiah came back down, still shining.

He said it's for good reason that i am allowed these fellings. I just wished that I could tell her.

He went back into the room where Jass lay, undisturbed in her bed, asleep. "Rest. There is much to come little one."

He leaned back on the wall and laid the back of his head on the wall. That's when he heard the door creak open. He pulled out his sword and stood between Jass and the incoming intruder.

Noone is to enter!!

In came Edwin.He didn't come all the way in, but stopped short at the door.

"You really don't know what you're getting yourrself into."

He walked over to her.Josiah tensed as he got nearer to her. Edwin reached his hand down and Josiah was about to strike but the Edwin pulled his hand up. He had her phone.

"I know you will do what I told you not to so i'll just rid you of the temptation itself."

He chuckled as he walked out. Does Edwin see something that I don't?

Josiah looked down at Jass. What is it that he is missing. He let his thoughts wonder as time passed. It's morning. Jass stired and Josiah looked down. She turned to him and opened her sleepy eyes and smile.

"Goodmorning, Jay" That was her nickname for him.

He let a small smile play across his face, "Goodmorning, Angel" That was his nickname for her.

She threw the sheets back and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Josiah laid on his back on the bed and stared at he ceiling. He inhaled a large amount of air and slowly let it out.

"Now I know why humans stress about telling the other that they care for them. It's hard."

Jass came out of the shower in a baggy t-shirt and some jeans.

"So what's planned for today, Jay?"

"Well obviously we can't go outside."

She looked at him, curious.

"Why not?"

"Didn't your fiance say you must stay inside?"

"Well yeah but I don't care what that heartless jerk says."

She crossed her arms and pouted. The look on her face made him laugh. He got up and stood in front of her.

"You have to be on good terms with the man you're going to marry"

"Can't you just scare him away and I won't have to?"

"You know I can't do that" No matter how much I want to.


She got sad. She really did want it to just be them. Noone else. She smiled at the thought.

But then she quickly got sad. He's an angel and i'm just his charge. He wouldn't even consider me...

She shook her head. There goes those thoughts again. She really didn't know where they came from.

She sighed and plopped down on the bed.

"Then i'm going back to sleep. There's nothing better to do"

Josiah nodded and she laid down to sleep. But she sat up and looked at him

"Yes?" He asked.

"Can angels ever become human"


"For the rest of their lives."

He finally understood what she meant. "Angels can be human for as long as the fragile body will take them. We age like humans and have needs like humans. We are just stronger emotionally."

"Like it's hard to love someone?"

"No. Some angels have families and love like any other human. Some don't get the chance."

Jasmine smiled. Obviously it's what she wanted to hear. And how he loved to see her smile, and laugh, and be...happy.

She laid down.

Maybe there is hope...

Maybe there is hope...

but will he love me?

but will she love me?

It's a risk i'll take...

It's a risk i'll take...

Just to see if he loves me like I love him.

just to see if she loves me like I love her.