Sequel: Angel heart.
Status: Complete!

In love with an angel, engaged to a vampire

My stomach's...yelling?

I spent the whole day with Josiah, which was easy since Edwin was avoiding him by avoiding me. It was fun to hang out with Josiah in public. If he was still an angel I'd have to act like I was on the phone to talk to him. Try talking to someone only you can see and watch them give you weird looks.

We walked side by side, inseparable by anyone or anything. He would ask me things about different things humans do.

"Why is my stomach yelling at me?"

I laughed at his reference to being hungry.

"That means you're hungry. Your stomach growls, not yell".

"Oh, how come I never heard yours do that?"

"Because I eat when I know I'm hungry and don't wait until my stomach tells me so".

He smiled. "Then let's go eat!"

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the hallway. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as he kept puling me. I was so wrapped up in him holding my hand that I didn't notice we were going the wrong way. He stopped and let go and that's when I noticed.



"You took us the wrong way. The cafeteria is this way," I said grabbing his hand and leading him back, my cheeks now flushed.

We got there and i showed him to the line.

"Now we have to grab a tray and go by each section and pick what yo want to eat."

"Okay but how do I know what I want to eat?"

I forgot he's never eaten before.

"Um..." I seriously didn't know how he would know.

"I'll just get what you get and see if it tastes good."

I nodded and got the usual. Chicken, fries and bread. I got him to get the pudding even though he said it looked like body waste and convinced him that the apple juice was in fact apple juice.

We sat down and I started eating but he still sat there and looked at the food.

"It won't bite, Jay. You're supposed to bite it."

He picked up a chicken and bit into it, slowly chewing it. His eyes went wide and he started devouring the food.

"Slow down Josiah," I said laughing while grabbing his arm.

"It's good. Plus it keeps my stomach from yelling."

I laughed, not even trying to correct him this time.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is not how it was on quizila but I wanted to add more to it. It was too short now that I read it over so enjoy my additions :)