Thanks for listening

Entry one: Depressed

Dear Erica,

I seriously hope that this week will be better then last week. I last week was horrible. Absolutely horrible. First of all, I brokedown in front of everyone in the art club because of my "lovely" situation at home. I seriously hate to cry, which makes this worse! It just makes me feel week that's all. I'm constantly trying to make myself look and feel strong, of course that doesn't always work, hence last Wednesday. But for the last three weeks(Not this week of course. I'll explain in a little bit)I've been worrying about Juun a lot! Juun has been acting sad and depressed. I felt like there was nothing I could do. Juun's told me that. Well on last Thursday, I knew that I had to Juun or else I would go crazy. So at the end of art club I talked to him. He told me that he doesn't feel any romantic feelings towards me any more. That he just wanted us to be friends instead of a couple. So to me it just sounds like he got bored of me even though we were only dated for a month! I just don't understand what happened between us! I mean, to me, we were perfectly happy until the new year started. Then everything started going down hill. After he broke up with me, I acted like I was fine but I seriously felt dead inside. I felt like I lost my happiness.

Going to now, I'm trying to get through most of the breakup stages. I'm starting to feel a little better too. Well, better then last week at least. I do feel like there's a chance that we could get back together but I won't hold my breath. I don't like to get my hopes up because I don't want to get hurt anymore then I already am.

Thanks for listening,
♠ ♠ ♠
OK so this is the first entry of my new story. For once I'm not writing a fan fiction! Hope you liked it!