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Entry two: Pissed off

Dear Erica,

Why does my life have to be so fucking complicated?! Fucking teenage drama! Fucking Chemistry teacher!! Ok I'm sorry for the harsh language but a load of angst is slowly seeping out of my ears. I seriously can't wait for this art show in the club to be over. I mean it was a ton of fun before, but now it's just stressful. Could it be because of Juun?

There's a part of me that wishes that he would quit talking to me via text and actually talk to me in person. Ever since we broke up he's been avoiding me at school. If I do end up talking to him in person, I get one word replies. The only time he actually takes the initiative to talk to me is vis text. What sucks even more is that I still really like him, which is bad because those feelings could interfere with our friendship. If you would even call it a friendship.

Going a bit off topic, how did the relationship fail anyway?! I mean I know that highschool relationships don't last but still, what the heck happened between us? He says that he doesn't have any feelings for me anymore and that he only thinks of me as a fiend but thats not the message that I was getting when we were dating. He acted like everything was perfect between us. Was that all a lie? Maybe he really ment it or maybe he's just a good actor and I fell for his performance.

My best friend Luna was talking to him about the breakup and she said that he told her that the feelings for me just dissapeared. Well feelings don't just dissapear for no reason. Something must have happened between us. Something that I don't know. I have to find out or else I'll never stop thinking about this.

Thanks for listening,
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok the second entry is out! How is it so far? Good? Bad? Critiques are welcome