Thanks for listening

Entry three: Determined

Dear Erica,

I've made a personal decision with myself. I've decided to still keep a little hope that Juun and I could get back together but I'm not going to keep worrying about it. Worrying won't solve my problems. So maybe if I start acting like my old self, our old friendship will blossom once more!

Good god, I just realized that this is the first some what happy entry in this damn journal. Wow, this is a first. Yay for somewhat happy entries! Anyway, today is a day off from school, but it's not just any day off! It's BRAWL DAY!! My friends Wyatt, Stan and Kristy are coming over my house and we're going to play SSBB and eat pizza! Wyatt keeps trying to get the special gumball in the machine to get the free pizza but his attempts are in vain!

Thanks for listening,

(P.S. Sorry this entry is so short but I have to get ready for Brawl Day! )
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Yes it's short I know but this story is written in journal form so not all the chapters will be long. Sorry!!