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Entry four: Out of place

Dear Erica,

Wow, art club sucks so far. Juun doesn't even talk to be anymore, not even through text. I got attacked by a giant wooden plank and no one seems to care. Isn't that nice? Wonderful, absolutely wonderful. Ok you know what? Fuck love. Just fuck it! It doesn't exist! I know I shouldn't be saying this after I've only dated two guys but I don't give a rats ass! I'll say it again! LOVE DOESN'T EXIST! IT'S A LIE!

Here's another thing! Freshman should not be flirting with juniors who just brake up with their girlfriends! Seriously! I can't stand people on the rebound! I'm sure you get the picture. I swear if that brat flirts with Juun anymore, I'll gut her like a fish!!!

Thanks for listening,
♠ ♠ ♠
Woah, angsty much?