We're Always Running for the Thrill of It

You Mean so Much to Me

I immediately re-enter the shop and hide behind one of the counters. Unfortunately for me though, Melanie and her friends spot me and she furiously stalks into the bakery.
"You," she spits at me while poking me hard on the shoulder, "are a jerk."
I resist the temptation of rolling my eyes and just look at my feet, feigning to be shameful.
"Yeah," the other two girls back her up.
I try to walk past Melanie but she has a death grip on my wrist, stopping me from leaving the shop.
"What?" I snap, unintentionally.
She flinches and I swear I saw her putting eye drops in her eyes because now they are teary.
"H-how could you be so mean to me," she sobs.

Oh. My. God. She is such a drama queen.

"I barely know you," I sigh, rubbing my wrist from the pain, "and if you must excuse me now, adieu."

I power walk out of the shop and sprint all the way to the beach.
I'm sure that with those heels she won't be able to run after me.

When I finally get to the beach, and out of breath, Carl looks enraged. I cough awkwardly and put the delicious goods under the shade, so that the heat doesn't ruin them. The fact that I ignored Carl makes him even angrier. The thing is, though, that I don't understand why he's angry...I thought that he had gotten over the make out session I had with Alexi.
"Where we you?" He demands angrily.
"Mmm, around," I reply casually.
"'Around'?!" He says sarcastically, "do you have any idea of how worried we were?! You just disappeared like that and you weren't answering your phone. We even considered the possibility of you drowning. We were scared you idiot, especially Alexi."

Oh, oops.
Maybe I should have left a note or something, damn, now I feel bad. Alexi was really worried about me, aww.
"I'm sorry," I apologize.
"You better be, and now got apologize to my brother, you ungrateful bastard," he replies smiling.
I give him the food and his smile turn into a full ear to ear grin. I gently pat him on the back and enter the water, where Alexi is relaxing, deep into thought.

Looking at him like that makes my heart thump but I have no idea of what I feel for him. I remember that when he rested his head on my shoulder, I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.
I quietly go up to him, wrap my arms around his waist from behind, and give him a kiss in the crook of his neck, then rest my head on his shoulder. I know that we're not dating and stuff but he makes me always want to cuddle him. He turns around and hugs me tightly.
"I was so worried," he whimpers.
"I know, I know," I whisper in his ear, "I'm sorry."
My grip on his waist tightens and I whisper, "Will you go out with me?"
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thank God it's friday ;)