The Truth about You

The Truth and The Diary - Chapter Three

1st December 1954 -

Dear Diary,
there was something out side of my house and I was to scared to go look but I think it was ghosts again as this house is haunted by the persons past mistakes who lives her will be provided, I'm in serious trouble help me.
[Note attached] : The Police were called and I was arrested for wasting Police time, but luckily I got away from the ghosts For Now.

From Chris


3rd December 1954 -

Dear Diary,
This was getting worse by the second yesterday i tried to ring the exterminator but my line was cut can anyone help me?

From Chris


5th December 1954 -

Dear Diary,
I met this girl Rachel she agreed to do a news paper article on my stories of the ghosts but then we went on our date 3 hours after, deciding we had a lot in common, I killed her or that is what i think, just one simple kiss on the hand.

From Chris


9th December 1954 -

Dear Diary.
as you seen I have missed a few days because I was in hospital and Prison I fear the ghosts will come after me Very very soon.

From Chris


14th December 1954 -

Dear Diary,
It is 11 days till Christmas were there is a secret that people will visit me from my mistakes.

From Chris


18th December 1954 -

Dear Diary,
I won the lottery today 7million pounds, but I fear that it will be Very soon I lose my life to ghosts they are already coming closer to my bedroom, every night there is "Thumb Thumb Thumb" up the stairs.

From Chris

P.S. Time: 00:04


19th December 1954

Dear Diary
My luck is about to change.

With £7million pounds in my bank account I’ve decided to change my life – completely move away from all of the past and move on. This is where the.....

From Chris

There is blood all over the next pages to show that I will never write on those pages.
20th December 2004

Dear Diary,

I have gone forward in time but I don't know how to get back, maybe I need to do a revaluation?
♠ ♠ ♠
By Cpraoline

[Yet to be fully edited]