Sequel: The Missing Piece
Status: can i have bbys with everyone who comments this story? seriously, i love you guys so much.

The Way We Talk

"You and her don't talk the way we talk." I'm not sure if I mean this as a question or a statement, nor do I see how he'll interpret it. People call us the same mind sometimes, but that's a horrible misstatement. We're two separate people, leading two separate lives that randomly intersected one day in a Starbucks.

He doesn't answer for awhile, kicking around a few loose pebbles with the toe of his shoe. "I don't talk to anyone the way I talk to you," he whispers, peeking at me out of the corner of his eye.

That's because she's your girlfriend, I want to tell him, and I'm just the best friend. And that's what I'm afraid of.

Song Credit: "The Way We Talk" - The Maine.