Sequel: Gravity's Rainbow

In An Aeroplane Over The Sea

Chapter VII

“This is Jan and Merel,” I introduced as Zack shut the back door. My two friends only stared at him in awe. “Guys, this is Zack.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” he replied with a polite grin.

“You were fantastic!” Merel exclaimed, as if she couldn’t hold her thoughts in anymore.

“Yeah,” agreed Jan, “so great!” Zack chuckled before turning and leading us behind the stage. I walked in line next to Zack, his fingers occasionally brushing over mine, and I could almost hear Jan and Merel giggle to each other.

“Everyone’s going to be so excited to see you,” Zack stated, and I grinned. And true to his word, as we entered the door to the dressing room, I was engulfed in the tightest hug from Jack I had ever received.

“I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!” Screamed Jack as we pulled away from the hug.

“I missed you too!” I exclaimed, and Jack was soon shoved aside by Alex, who wrapped me in an equally as loving hug.

“You did an awful job at keeping in touch,” Alex teased when he pulled away, and I just looked down sheepishly.

“Myspace freaks me out,” I reasoned pathetically.

“Actually, fan girls freak her out,” Jan added, and Alex laughed. Rian approached me next, and after a hug that left me gasping for air he forced into my hand his phone.

“I don’t get it… what am I looking at?” I asked, wishing had I worn my glasses. Finally I was able to see the small font of what I realized to be a text message.

the next time you see paisley show her this text, kay? paisley! the necklace is gorgeous! i wear it with absolutely everything, and you have amazing taste in jewelry!!

I smiled, punching Rian in the shoulder. “I don’t even know why you ever doubted me,” I responded with a cheeky grin, and he rolled his eyes. Soon we all settled down, Jan and Merel sitting next to Jack and beginning to teach him simple words in Dutch at his request, Rian excused himself to make a call, and Alex checked his phone. Zack and I found a spot at the end of one of the sofas, our conversation hushed.

“So how’s Amsterdam?” Zack asked, breaking the ice around us.

“Amazing. I’ve made a lot of friends and I’ve gotten so much schoolwork done. It’s been really great.” I responded earnestly. “How’s touring?”

“Fantastic,” he gushed, and I smiled. “It’s the most amazing experience. But you know what could have made it better?” I tilted my head to the side, wondering what could possibly make touring Europe with your band even better. “If you,” he began, poking me lightly in the side, yet with just enough force that it tickled and I giggled slightly, “kept in touch.”

“I really hate myspace,” I argued cheerfully, “and you never gave me your phone number. I couldn’t text you or call you or anything.” As if he was reading my mind, Zack already had his phone in his hands, and exchanged it with mine. We programmed our numbers in silence, before I handed it back to him. The air around us was quiet for a moment, though not necessarily awkward. “Where are you going after tour?” I asked all of a sudden, and I could tell I caught him off guard.

“Uh, home, I guess,” muttered Zack, and I looked down at my hands. “Back in California.” I nodded. “And you’re going back to New York?” He questioned, and I nodded again. He paused, before placing a finger under my chin so I had no choice but to look up at him. “Hey, c’mon, Paise. Smile, will you? I don’t like it when you don’t smile.” I forced a smile to my lips, but I knew Zack could tell it wasn’t real.

“We’ll be able to talk all the time,” I rationalized softly as I felt his fingers leave my skin. “Now that we have each other’s numbers, I mean.”

“No more myspace,” he teased, and I laughed.

“No more myspace.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm currently writing the last chapter, which I do believe is not the next one, but the one after it. I want it to be perfect, which is hard to accomplish after watching all three episodes of "The Marriage Ref." That show is hysterical! Anyways, I'll post the last remaining chapters, depending on how much feedback I get for this one. Hinthintamint =]