I Want a Taste of Your Medicine


"Hello?" I said stepping into my brother's 3 story house. I had always wondered how surfing could get him all of this money, but then again ... what do I know about surfing? I took another step in, observing the doorway area of the house. It smelt like boy in here and then I remembered that My brother had 4 room mates.

I hadn't met them yet, and to be honest I wasn't really looking forward to meeting them either. They were part of the reason why Marshall moved out. I hadn't seen Marshall since last Christmas and when I had asked my parents to visit him for the summer they seemed to jump quick at the thought of having me out of the house. If I remember it correctly, the conversation went something like this.

Me- Mom, can I visit Marshall in Australia for the summer?
Mom- Sure hunny, but ask your father.
Me- Dad, can I visit Marshall in Australia for the summer?
Dad - Sure, but you better ask your mother.
Me- I did, she said to ask you.
Dad- Well then go pack your things and let me know when you're leaving.
Me- There's still a month to go before summer, dad.
Dad- Oh, well then, you better go book your flight.
Me- Okay.
Dad- Hurry, before everybody starts taking up all of the room.
Me- They won't be booked up solid, but I'll go do it now anyways.
Dad- Good.

My parents wanted me out of the house and as they sat at home in Canada, I was down here in Australia for the summer. They hadn't even driven me to the airport, they forgot I was leaving. Well that was their excuse for not driving me, which was pretty sad.

"Marshall?" I yelled, annoyed with my unanswered hellos. I waited for a minute and then I heard 4 pairs of footsteps running down the stairs.

"Dude, its time to go surfing," A guy said from a distance and then they all ran right past me and into the kitchen and then walked slowly back and stood there to stare at me.

"There's a girl in our doorway," A tall guy with hazel eyes and short brown hair, said.

"Correction. There's a hot girl in our doorway," A more muscular guy with blue eyes and sandy brown hair said. His hair was just a buzz cut but it suited him. He had a thick accent and I had forgotten about that. I was going to have to get used to everybody talking like that. I hadn't been here since I was 10 years old.

"Where's Marshall?" I said, trying to get them to pay attention to my question instead of pinning their eyes to me. I felt uncomfortable standing there in front of all of them. I thought that Marshall would have at least told them I was coming.

"Oh you're here for Marshall," A tall guy with the nicest greenish/blue eyes you will ever see, said. He's the type of guy that would be considered "emo" but he was damn cute. He had black hair with bangs that went over his eyes and he wore a little bit of eyeliner just around the base of his eyes.

"He always did know how to pick em," A tall blonde guy said walking over to me. His eyes were what I noticed first and then he smiled at me and I just about fainted right there. This guy was by far the most breath taking, but he also looked a little too perfect. He was also a prep, which I always wound up dating and then getting hurt in the end.

"Ew, I'm his sister!" I said disgusted. Seriously, where the hell was Marshall and why didn't he tell anybody that I was coming. I didn't even know these guys standing in front of me and he hadn't even bothered to show up when I arrived.

They all looked at me differently now, as if they just realized something, or they had a new perspective of me. We were just staring at each other for a few minutes. These guys seriously had social disfunctions.

Blondie took my hand in his after staring at me for long enough and pressed his soft lips against it. "I'm Landon," He said, backing away a little bit to see my reaction. I could feel myself fighting off the blushing in my cheeks that I knew wanted to happen, but I'm pretty sure I failed. He stood there looking satisfied as all the guys introduced themselves.

"I'm Jake," The guy with the short brown hair said, shaking my hand. I could tell right away that he was probably the most put together guy out of the bunch.

"Adam Trecker, but everybody just calls me Trecker," The muscular guy said shaking my hand in a more strong manner than Jake's handshake.

"Max," The "emo" one said nodding. I noticed his smile while he said his name and I was debating on weather I liked Landon's or his better.

"Pattyn," I said, "Now do you know where Marshall is?"

"Um, about that. You see he had told us you were coming, but we sort of forgot and he's not here right now," Adam said quietly, knowing that I might be pissed off with what he was saying.

"Okay, when is he coming back?" I said, impatient. Couldn't they just spit it out?

"Not for a while, maybe a month," Max said shrugging like it was nothing.

"We're supposed to take care of you," Jake said, and they all laughed.

"I'll go and find him then, where is he?"

"He's not even in the Country." Now I was pissed.
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I had to rewrite this chapter because I wrote it and then accidental pressed the back space at the top and everything got erased. So if the chapters a little dry, I'm sorry. I was a little grumpy while writing it for the second time. LOL
Anyways I have the characters up so you can check em out and I'll be posting up a banner soon. Anyways I hope you liked the first chapter. Comment/Subscribe.