I Want a Taste of Your Medicine


"Go get dressed," Marshall said kissing the top of my head like he always did whenever I saw him for the first time in a long time. I looked at him confused, but I walked away and to my room and started to pick out some clothes.

I was so happy that I didn't have to share a room with Adam, but I was so worried about Adam and Marshall sleeping in the same room together. Marshall may have said he wasn't mad, but I know my brother well enough to know that he was down right pissed.

All of my stuff was on my bed, repacked in the suitcases and bags. I knew it was going to be hot out like it always was, so I threw on a pair of Capri's and a nice shirt. It was casual but dressy, but it was appropriate for the weather and probably for where ever Marshall was taking me.

I didn't grab any shoes that I had packed because I felt like the sandals I had been wearing all week went good with my outfit. Besides, I wasn't trying to impress anybody. Maybe I wanted to gain my brothers respect back, but that was all. I made sure I had a bag with all of my needed stuff in it before leaving my room.

I ran upstairs again and this time when I saw Adam, I saw his black eye too. Okay so maybe nothing was forgotten but no one was aloud to talk about it. Did Marshall do that to him? Who am I kidding, of course he did that to him.

"I'm ready," I said walking into the kitchen and deciding that it was probably best not to bring up Adam right now. I tried not to think about the previous nights events as Marshall walked out from behind the counter and made his way to the door.

"Were going to breakfast first," He said, slipping on his sandals and opening the door. I hadn't noticed until now, but all of the guys in the house dressed the same. They all either wore wife beaters and shorts, shirtless and short, shirtless and boxers, or t-shirts and shorts. Their style was the same, with the sunglasses they wore and many other little things. I guess Max wasn't exactly like them, but he had his moments.

"Didn't you just make breakfast?" I asked once we were both outside walking towards the car. I examined the vehicle before getting in, I hadn't seen this one before. It was a Toyota FT-HS Hybrid. I only knew that because he had told me on the phone when we had talked. I didn't know anything about cars, but I knew that this one was nice.

"Jake just needed help cooking something, but we're going to this restaurant I like to eat at. Its nothing too fancy but it's my favourite place to go for a good meal," He said getting in on the drivers side.

"What's it called?" I asked curiously. I loved a good restaurant and I usually liked to hangout at spots regularly, maybe I'd like this one.

"Gus Bus," He said and then we both laughed. Who goes out of their way to make a restaurant called Gus Bus.

"Seriously?" I asked still laughing.

"Don't judge it yet, Gus makes the best food. He was the first person I met when I first came down here to surf. I stopped here on my way to the beach when I had to meet up with the guys in the house," We were driving now and it only took around 5 minutes.

"I guess Gus is someone I'm going to like," I said eying him. My brother always knew the best people. Well when it came to restaurants and outings and stuff like that.

"Yes, well lets just hope that he at least can keep it in his pants," I glared at him angrily. I should have guessed that this conversation was bound to come up. He was more shocked last night than anything which meant that he was bitter about it this morning.

"Marshall can we please just not go there right now?" I said getting out of the car since we had been parked there for a few seconds already. "And you didn't have to hit him either,"

"I gave him something to think about, that's all. We're cool, he knows that," He said getting out of the car too and then walking over to the restaurant opening the door for me. The place wasn't fancy at all. It was one of those stops you made when you were getting hungry on the highway. It was something that I could picture myself coming to everyday.

"I'm sorry. I really wish that none of that happened," I said sitting down at a random booth. Marshall didn't sit though, he walked over to a booth in the corner and sat there waving me over.

"I wish none of that happened either, but I mean that wont change what did happen. You're my little sister and I need to protect you. I was pissed at Adam and I still am, but he's my best friend, we can work through it. I'm just disappointed that you would give yourself to him after just a week of being there," I looked down and not at him. I was disappointed in myself too.

"I don't know what came over me, but it wont happen again. I'm not that girl," I said just as the waiter came over to our tables and asked us what we'd like to drink. We both asked for some orange juice and then she left.

"I take it as you aren't seeing Trent anymore," He said changing the subject. I was happy for the subject change, but not happy for the subject.

"We broke up the day before I came down," I said feeling my chest begin to throb. I had tried so hard not to think about him the whole time I was here and I was doing a good job with it too, until now anyways.

"Why? You guys were dating for almost 2 years," He said and then our orange juice arrived. We ordered some bacon, eggs, and home fries and then the waitress left again and we continued talking.

"He said that he loved me, but he knew that I was going to be in a house full of guys and so he said that if we still feel the same when I get back then we'll talk about being together again, but for right now he can't deal with me going away." I shrugged trying to hide away the pain that was resurfacing.

"What a douche," Marshall said taking a sip of his drink. "I told you to invite him down though,"

"But I wanted it to be a me and you summer," I said and then the waitress appeared again with out food. I was so hungry but we both waited to eat until our conversation was over.

"Well for what its worth, I never really like him that much anyways," Marshall said, but I knew he was lying. When ever Marshall came down for a visit, he and Trent would ditch and go out for a few drinks. I was always nervous because I wasn't with them but then I always knew that Trent wasn't doing anything because Marshall would kick his ass.

I nodded and then we both started to eat. It was pretty silent, but that was only because our mouths were full. I had a feeling that the worst of the awkwardness was over and Marshall and I could be normal again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I completely made up the restaurant they went to.

Pattyn's Outfit
Marshall's Outfit and Car

p.s. my sister pointed this out to me with the pronounciation of the names but yeah Pattyn's name is pronounced Payten. Had to clear that up. (=