I Want a Taste of Your Medicine


"Adeeeeem that's not fairrrrr," I whined, reaching over to grab my Tequila shot that he had taken away from me.

"Trecker, and you're cut off for the night," He said, drinking the shot himself. I didn't really know what was going on, but I knew I was drunk. Max and I had went swimming and then I excepted his flask and well that was that.

"Bus Adeeeeem," I whined again, hugging him and looking up at him with a pouty face. "Pweeez cansi have anoser one?" I knew what I was saying but it didn't really look like he did, well until a few seconds later when a light bulb seemed to appear on the top of his head like he just clued into something.

"Trecker, and sorry you're wasted. You got to get to bed now or your brother is going to take you to bed himself," He said pushing me away and holding me by the arms.

"Ifsi kizz yewww, wousd yewww les me have one mower?" I was just trying to make a deal with him, but he seemed to take it seriously at first. I didn't care though, I wanted more alcohol and I was going to get some.

"Marshall, take her to bed," Adam yelled over my shoulder. A few seconds later I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up.

"Pust me dunne!" I yelled kicking and punching Marshall like crazy. I guess if anybody was going to take me to bed its good that it was my brother, especially with me like this right now. I was going to have a major headache in the morning.

"I'm going to stay down here with you if you don't go to sleep," He said placing me down on my bed and putting the blankets over me.

"Marshie-poo, cansi pweez have one mower sdrinc?" I begged, giving him my puppy dog look.

"No, you cannot," He said, bending down and kissing me on the forehead.

"I donse wans to bwe dune hur asone, so cans yeww seds Maxie-poo dune to talce wis me?"

"Okay, okay, but talking only," He said laughing a little bit and walking over to the door.


I waited a very long time and then I just became sleepy and went out like a light. When I woke up I could already feel my hangover taking place, leaving me with a nasty headache and bad breath.

I could feel the vomit begin to rise and hangover or not I was going to run to that bathroom all the way upstairs as best as I could. I ran upstairs, past the kitchen, down the hall and into the bathroom and made it just in time to blow nasty chunks into the toilet bowl.

It stopped for a few seconds and then I felt it rise again and wrapped my arms around the toilet like I was giving my best friend a hug. I knew it hadn't been long since I passed out, which I'm guessing was around 4 in the morning since it usually takes a few hours until I start puking and when I looked at the clock in the bathroom it was 7am.

I didn't know why anybody would put a clock in the bathroom, but it wasn't my house and I would let it slide. I really needed to talk to Marshall about his cleaning habits though, they were getting on my nerves.

When I decided that my stomach was finished vomiting itself up, I walked over to the kitchen and stole some Advil from the cupboards and some orange juice from the fridge. Apparently orange juice helps a lot with hangovers.

I sat on a stool at the counter with my orange and popped the pills in my mouth getting them down my throat smoothly with the huge glass of orange juice I had poured for myself. I was really thirsty but I only took little sips.

"I guess the big sips are for the bigger drinks," Adam said walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge, grabbing some orange juice and pouring it into a glass that he had gotten from the dishwasher.

"Not so loud," I said resting my head on the counter. Today was going to be a long day and I was not looking forward to being hungover.

"Well I'm extremely happy right now that I don't get a major hangover in the morning. I have a little headache, but I can live through it. Man you were wild last night," He said sitting in the stool beside me.

"I bet," I said massaging my temples, trying to make the pounding in my head stop. Apparently it likes to pound and so it doesn't feel like stopping.

"No really, you played some poker and won and then you put on some cheesy spice girl song and started dancing on the couches, oh and lets not forget the part where you and Max had your body shots going on," I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying until he mentioned the body shots.

"What body shots?" I asked looking at Adam who was laughing at me.

"Don't worry, Marshall doesn't care. You were both wasted and you don't even remember it and trust me he won't either,"

"I am such a whore," I said resting my head on the counter. It was nice and cold and I liked it that way, but then i got thirsty and took another sip of my orange juice.

"You are not," He said rubbing my back.

"Yeah cause you know, I almost sleep with you and then the night after I'm taking body shots with someone else, all the while I'm still missing Trent. This isn't me, I'm not a whore. But I'm acting like such a whore." He was still rubbing my back and I was still rubbing my temples.

"The thing with you and I never even happened, so don't think about it." He said, smiling at me, "And the body shots were only because you were drunk. The Trent thing I am way too confused about because either your delusional or you're talking about someone I've never met before," I laughed a little bit but regret it a lot.

"Okay we're forgotten, body shots don't count, and Trent is the guy who broke my heart right before I had to leave to come here. 2 years gone to shit," I said this time chugging down the rest of my orange juice.

"I say forget about him, because he's obviously a dumb ass for dumping you," Adam said, winking at me. I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek before getting up and leaving.

"I'm sorry," I said turning around, "Am I aloud to do that? Because I feel like you deserved that for talking to me about this and I just wasn't sure if it was acceptable," Adam started laughing really hard which made me feel a little bit embarrassed but it washed over.

"It's fine, don't worry about it," He said and then I walked down stairs to grab some clothes and then walked back up stairs and into a nice warm shower.
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I hope that most of you got what she was saying when she was drunk. If you didn't and want to know just message me and I'll translate for you.